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Four saints are deified
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Dragon veins with blood
Legend of the Red Moon II
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Popular web games

mobile game
 The Legend of White Snake  Prickly sand
 Ancient War Songs

Small account management

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Note: After adding the trumpet successfully, please login the trumpet to confirm authorization!

Game area service

I'm his trumpet



Note: After adding the trumpet successfully, please login the trumpet to confirm authorization!
Different number of small numbers can be added for different VIP levels Improve now>>

VIP0: 3 small sizes can be added

VIP1~VIP3: 4 small sizes can be added

VIP4~VIP6: 6 small sizes can be added

VIP7~VIP9: 8 small sizes can be added

Small account management
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Hi register nine thousand three hundred and seventy-seven Be one of us!

WeChat account binding
dear yonghuming

For the security of your account, please register a new 9377 game account first, and QQ Log in to the account for binding! Bonus points for successful binding!

Note: Binding of old accounts is not supported temporarily

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Clock in every day

Daily clocking can obtain 1 platform point

Continuous clocking

3 days Reward 5 platform points

5 days Reward 20 platform points

Cumulative clocking

4 days Reward 5 platform points

7 days Reward 30 platform points

Countersign privilege

My VIP level:

Number of supplementary signatures in the current month:

Supplementary signature description

VIP0~VIP1 0 times/month

VIP2~VIP3 1 time/month

VIP4~VIP6 2 times/month

VIP7~VIP9 3 times/month

Add 1 point if you sign in successfully