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How to use Lucien skill in League of Heroes mobile tour

Source: 925g mobile game website Author: Su Ci Release time: 2024-05-22 15:13:58

As a strong role of the League of Heroes in hand swimming, Lucien has a very good effect in terms of line matching ability and team battle output in the later stage. But if you want to play his full strength, you need to know how to use it. This article will introduce Lucien's skills to help novice players get started quickly.

 How to use Lucien skill in League of Heroes mobile tour

Starting from the passive skill, Lucien's passive effect is very simple. You can strengthen the next ordinary attack after you use the skill. This attack, Lucien can fire bullets twice. The effect of passivity is not only to double the damage, but also to trigger the effect of equipment. One skill is a consumable skill, which can strike the target in a straight line and cause damage. It can be used to clean up the army line, or consume the line in the early stage. With the enhanced general attack, it can consume the opponent without damage. The second skill is to launch a missile, which is also damage, but the missile will only cause magic damage in the range after hitting the enemy, which is somewhat different from the attack path of the first skill. After successfully hitting the hero, this skill will also apply a mark to the enemy. As long as the marked enemy is attacked by us, it can provide Lucien with an instant acceleration effect. Relying on the acceleration effect, as long as the auxiliary cooperation is tacit, you can pull the opponent back and forth to create line suppression.

 How to use Lucien skill in League of Heroes mobile tour

The three skills are Lucien's only displacement skills. They don't hurt themselves, but they are affected by passive skills. As long as the character's enhanced general attack hits the opponent, the three skills can be cooled and reduced to a certain extent, so that players can carry out pursuit, evacuation and other operations. Finally, Lucien's big move can shoot bullets at the designated position continuously, causing a lot of damage. Since bullets do not have the ability to penetrate, players need to use three skills to adjust the position of the big move in order to ensure more damage. In the early stage of line alignment, Lucien usually uses three skills to get close to the enemy, and uses the enhanced general attack to output, interspersed with one skill. You must ensure that your skills are used interchangeably with ordinary ones, or you will get much less damage in the confrontation. Consumption starts with two skills, two skills plus enhanced general attack plus one skill plus enhanced general attack. Since three skills will reduce cd after using enhanced general attack, this combo can refresh the only skill in a short time. As for the group war stage, it is generally the output of general attack. Only when the fight breaks out will the three skills start to be used, depending on your position.

 How to use Lucien skill in League of Heroes mobile tour

Only when any hero understands the use method and actual effect of the skill, can he get started quickly in actual combat, so as to give full play to his real ability.