YesPlayMusic is a perfect unlimited third-party Netease cloud music client

Release your eyes, put on your headphones and listen~!

YesPlayMusic is a popular third-party Netease Cloud music The client has a very high level of appearance design and a perfect advertising free user experience,

It's great to have multiple audio sources to choose from at the same time music Player.

At the same time, the number of stars of this software on GitHub has reached 23.2k. I believe that I don't need to introduce it too much. Everyone has already been very clear.

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YesPlayMusic is a third-party NetEase Cloud music player with rich functions. It supports NetEase Cloud account login and playlist playing, and has the built-in UnblockNeteaseMusic function,

You can directly unlock greyed songs.

It not only has a high level of appearance design, but also has powerful functions. It is a highly respected excellent music player.

Resource download:

File size: 54.6 MB (57346412 bytes)

Running platform: Windows

Download address: Blue Play Online Disk

Alternate Download: Chengtong online disk (Access password: 6308)

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