Resolve the problem that Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime cannot be reinstalled after it is uninstalled

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At the beginning, I used a powerful tool to uninstall the Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime. I wanted to delete it more cleanly. Unexpectedly, I restarted the computer after the uninstall was completed. Installing WebView2 Runtime unexpectedly prompts installation failure.

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Today, I deleted a program and tried to reinstall it, but an error message appeared: "Installation failed because Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime has been installed on the system". Obviously, this is because the registry entries in the system have not been completely deleted.

Through various online searches, I found the following registry entries:

For 64 bit systems:
– HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}
– HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}

For 32-bit systems:
– HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}
– HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate\Clients\{F3017226-FE2A-4295-8BDF-00C3A9A7E4C5}

Delete these registries:



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