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A Heat stroke refers to a series of symptoms caused by temperature regulation dysfunction due to long-term exposure to high temperature environment. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is a common first-aid medicine for heatstroke, but why can't you drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Water for heatstroke? This article will answer this question and introduce relevant knowledge. 1、 Why can't I drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Water for heatstroke? Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine preparation. Its main ingredients include Huoxiang, Atractylodes Rhizoma, tangerine peel, etc. It has the effect of clearing away heat and relieving pain, and is often used for symptoms such as * * * spleen and stomach weakness, and food retention failure. However, in the case of heatstroke, drinking Huoxiang Zhengqi Water may cause some adverse reactions, and even aggravate the condition. 1. The Huoxiang Zhengqi Water has the function of heat dissipation. When heatstroke occurs, the body temperature regulation function is out of balance and the body temperature rises. The heat dissipation effect of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water may further reduce the temperature regulation function, resulting in abnormal temperature reduction and aggravating heatstroke symptoms. 2. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water has the function of * * *. When heatstroke occurs, the human body is prone to dehydration, and it is necessary to supplement enough water. However, the * * * effect of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water may aggravate dehydration symptoms and make the body even more water deficient. 3. Herba Agastache Zhengqi Water has the effect of wide and medium. When heatstroke occurs, the digestive function of the human body is weakened, and the spleen and stomach are weak. The broad-spectrum effect of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water may stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate the symptoms of * * *. To sum up, it is inappropriate to drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Water when suffering from heatstroke, because it may aggravate the symptoms of heatstroke, dehydration, and gastrointestinal irritation, which is not conducive to the recovery of heatstroke. 2、 Heatstroke prevention and first aid measures heatstroke is a serious heat stress reaction, which poses a threat to human health. In order to prevent heatstroke, we can take the following measures: 1 Avoid long-term exposure to high temperature, especially in hot summer, and try to reduce outdoor activities. 2. Pay attention to indoor ventilation, maintain indoor air circulation, and avoid high temperature and stuffy environment. 3. Properly increase the amount of drinking water, drink more cool water, drinks or drinks containing electrolytes, and replenish water in the body. 4. Pay attention to diet, avoid eating too much spicy and stimulating food, and eat more light and easily digestible food to maintain gastrointestinal health. In case of heatstroke, emergency measures shall be taken in time: 1 Move the person suffering from heatstroke to a cool and ventilated place to keep * * comfortable. 2. Drink cool water or drinks containing electrolytes for heatstroke sufferers to replenish body water. 3. Apply wet towel or ice bag to the forehead, neck and armpit of the heatstroke victim to help reduce the temperature. 4. If the symptoms are serious, such as loss of consciousness, dyspnea, etc., call the emergency number immediately to seek professional medical assistance. 3、 In addition to Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, other heatstroke first-aid drugs can be selected, such as Compound Danshen Dropping Pills, Compound Berberine Tablets, etc. These drugs have the functions of clearing away heat, cooling and dissipating heat, and can help relieve heatstroke symptoms. However, the use of any medicine should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, especially in the case of first aid for heatstroke. In case of heatstroke, seek medical advice in time and accept professional diagnosis and * * *. To sum up, it is inappropriate to drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Water when suffering from heatstroke, because it may aggravate the symptoms of heatstroke, dehydration and gastrointestinal irritation. The key to prevent heatstroke is to avoid long-term exposure to high temperature environment, properly increase water consumption and pay attention to diet. In case of heatstroke, emergency measures shall be taken in time, and appropriate drugs shall be selected under the guidance of the doctor.

What's the effect of herbal tea? How does herbal tea work?

2022-11-16 09:33:12 one thousand and twenty-six

What's the effect of herbal tea? How does herbal tea work?

Introduction: Explore the magical effect of herbal tea and the correct drinking method

With the advent of summer, people's demand for cooling and thirst quenching has gradually increased. As a traditional Chinese herbal medicine drink, herbal tea is loved by people. However, what is the role of herbal tea? How to drink it to achieve better results? This article will answer these questions for you and introduce the related contents of herbal tea.

1、 Function of herbal tea

1. Heat clearing * * *: Herbal tea often contains some Chinese herbs, such as honeysuckle, forsythia, etc., which has the function of heat clearing * * *. In hot summer, drinking herbal tea can help cool down. The heat poison in * * *'s body can relieve the feeling of irritability and thirst.

2. Relieving heat and thirst: The ingredients in herbal tea can promote metabolism in the body and increase sweat output, so as to achieve the effect of relieving heat and thirst. At the same time, herbal tea also contains some water, which can supplement the water needed by the body and alleviate the problem of dryness in summer.

3. Improve digestion: Some herbal ingredients in herbal tea can promote digestion, help the digestive system work better, and alleviate stomach discomfort, abdominal distention and other problems. Especially in the case of anorexia in summer, moderate drinking of herbal tea can play a role in promoting appetite.

2、 Correct drinking method of herbal tea

1. Choose your own herbal tea: There are various herbal teas on the market, each with different ingredients and effects. Therefore, when choosing herbal tea, you should choose suitable herbal tea according to your own needs and physical conditions. If there are special health problems, it is better to choose herbal tea under the guidance of a doctor.

2. Control the drinking amount: although herbal tea has certain effects, it does not mean that the more the better. Excessive consumption of herbal tea may cause a burden on the body, especially for people with weak kidney function. Generally speaking, the daily consumption of herbal tea should be controlled within 500ml, and it should be drunk in batches.

3. Pay attention to drinking time: herbal tea is better to drink after meals, and avoid drinking on an empty stomach. Drinking herbal tea on an empty stomach may stimulate the gastric mucosa and cause stomach discomfort. At the same time, some ingredients in herbal tea may affect the absorption of drugs. Therefore, if you are taking drugs, it is better to consult a doctor before drinking herbal tea.

Conclusion: Herbal tea is a cool companion in summer

Herbal tea, as a traditional Chinese herbal drink, has the functions of clearing away heat, quenching thirst and improving digestion. However, the correct drinking method is also important. Select the herbal tea suitable for yourself, control the drinking amount and pay attention to the drinking time, so as to give play to the better effect of herbal tea. In hot summer, herbal tea will become your cool companion.

Title: The magical effect of * * * herbal tea and the correct drinking method

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