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Whether to compensate for drunk driving of compulsory traffic insurance in China

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.21 · 4211 people have seen it
Guide: Drunken driving of compulsory traffic insurance requires compensation. Drunken driving refers to the behavior of driving a motor vehicle in such a state of complete or partial loss of personal will due to drinking. If the blood alcohol content is more than 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters, you can drive after drinking. The driving behavior of vehicle drivers whose blood alcohol content is greater than or equal to 80mg/100mL becomes drunk driving.

 Whether to compensate for drunk driving of compulsory traffic insurance in China

1、 About Compulsory traffic insurance Drunk driving Whether to compensate

Drunken driving of compulsory traffic insurance requires compensation. Drunken driving refers to the behavior of driving a motor vehicle in such a state of complete or partial loss of personal will due to drinking. If the blood alcohol content is more than 20 milligrams per 100 milliliters, you can drive after drinking. The driving behavior of vehicle drivers whose blood alcohol content is greater than or equal to 80mg/100mL becomes drunk driving.

2、 Sentencing for drunk driving:

1. If yes Dangerous driving crime According to《 criminal law 》Article 133-1 Paragraph 1 criminal detention , and fine

2. If yes Crime of endangering public security by dangerous means In accordance with the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law and Article 115 of the Criminal Law, those who endanger public security by dangerous means without causing serious consequences shall be sentenced to three to ten years fixed-term imprisonment ; Whoever commits this crime and causes serious injury, death or heavy losses to public or private property shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death penalty

3、 How long is the detention for drunk driving

According to the law, the term of criminal detention is not less than one month but not more than six months, Combined punishment for several crimes Not more than one year. The sentenced criminal term shall come into force from the date when the judgment of the people's court is confirmed, but shall be first served before the judgment is pronounced take into custody One day in custody shall be converted into one day of imprisonment.

In other words, if drunk driving is sentenced to criminal detention, the time limit is from one month to six months, and the combined punishment for several crimes cannot exceed one year. At the same time, if drunk driving is taken into custody before the sentence is pronounced, one day of detention will be equivalent to one day of imprisonment.

4、 Do you want to go to jail for drunk driving?

Article 133-1 of the Criminal Law drives a motor vehicle to chase and race on the road, the circumstances are serious, or Drunken driving A motor vehicle shall be subject to criminal detention and a fine.

Drunken driving refers to those whose blood alcohol content is greater than or equal to 80mg/100ml.

Therefore, as long as the alcohol content in the blood reaches the specified value, drunken driving of a motor vehicle constitutes a crime of dangerous driving, which will generally be sentenced to criminal detention within one to two months.

Drinking and driving is an illegal act, which does not have civil capacity and the ability to choose. You should know that nowadays more and more people buy cars for transportation, and there are many potential safety hazards traffic accident It becomes more and more frequent. In order to prevent such incidents, we should put an end to drunk driving.

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