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How to punish the hit and run car?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.22 · 84092 people have seen it
Guide: Generally, a fine of more than 200 yuan but less than 2000 yuan will be imposed on a vehicle that escapes from a collision with a traffic accident. A person who escapes from a minor collision must be investigated by the traffic police department before being identified. If there is no serious injury or death in the accident after the accident and escape is determined as a hit and run accident, the escaping driver shall bear the major responsibility above the accident, but it does not constitute a traffic accident crime.
 How to punish the hit and run car?

How to punish the hit and run car?

Vehicle collision Escape in traffic accident Generally, a fine of more than 200 yuan but less than 2000 yuan will be imposed, and a person who escapes from a minor collision accident can only be determined after investigation by the traffic police department. After it is determined that it is a hit and run accident, if there is no serious injury or death in the accident, the escaping driver shall bear the above major responsibility for the accident, but it does not constitute Traffic accident crime The perpetrator shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan and detained for not more than 15 days. At the same time, his motor vehicle driving license shall be deducted 12 points.

According to the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China criminal law 》,《 Regulations on Traffic Accident Handling Procedures 》Occurrence of traffic accident If the person who escapes after the crime has not been constituted, the traffic management department of the public security organ may impose a fine of more than 200 yuan but less than 2000 yuan administrative sanction The traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driving license, and may not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license for life. The vehicle management office at the place where the motor vehicle driver's license is issued will record the decision of not re obtaining the motor vehicle driver's license for life into the national public security traffic management information system for record.

(1) Handling of Escape in Traffic Accidents

Escape after causing a traffic accident According to different situations, the following actions should be taken:

1. If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident, but does not constitute a crime, the public security organ shall impose a fine ranging from 200 yuan to 2000 yuan, and may concurrently detain him for a maximum of 15 yuan.

2. Occurs to Major traffic accidents If the case constitutes a crime and does not escape, the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driver's license in addition to pursuing criminal responsibility according to law.

3. If a serious traffic accident occurs, constitutes a crime, and escapes, the public security organ shall, in addition to pursuing criminal responsibility according to law, revoke the motor vehicle driver's license, and may not obtain a new motor vehicle driver's license for life.

(2) Relevant regulations on escape from traffic accidents

Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China (Amendment)

Article 101 Violation of road traffic safety laws statute If a serious traffic accident occurs and a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law, and the traffic control department of the public security organ shall revoke the motor vehicle driver's license.

If a person escapes after causing a traffic accident, his motor vehicle driving license shall be revoked by the traffic management department of the public security organ, and he shall not obtain a new motor vehicle driving license for life.

The People's Republic of China Regulations for the Implementation of the Road Traffic Safety Law

Article 92 If a party escapes after a traffic accident, the party who escapes shall bear full responsibility. However, there are evidence If it is proved that the other party is also at fault, the liability may be reduced. Any party who intentionally destroys, forges the scene or destroys evidence shall bear full responsibility.

Motor Vehicles Rapid handling of traffic accidents Measures (for Trial Implementation)

Article 13 For hit and run, the traffic management department of the public security organ shall impose a fine of not more than 2000 yuan and not more than 15 days on the driver according to law Administrative detention 12 points; The insurance company shall raise the insurance premium for runaway vehicles in the next year.

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