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How to write the labor contract?

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Introduction: The content includes two parts: mandatory terms and agreed terms, indicating that both parties have fully negotiated and agreed to sign this contract. The contract term, work content, working hours, labor remuneration, etc. shall be clearly stated. End signature.

 How to write the labor contract?

As a laborer, when looking for a job, we should not only identify the enterprise information of the employer, but also pay attention to signing Labor contract Relevant treaties within. and Sign labor contract The purpose of is to divide the rights and obligations that workers and employers should perform directly. The labor contract is usually issued by the employer, then How to write a labor contract What about? Now I have prepared the model text of the labor contract for you.

Model Labor Contract

Party A (employer):


Legal representative (or person in charge):

Party B (Employee):


ID Number:

Party A and Party B, on the basis of equality and voluntariness Labor Contract Law 》As required by laws and regulations such as, this contract has been reached through consultation on Party A's recruitment of Party B for both parties to abide by:

Article 1 Term of Labor Contract

1. This labor contract is (select one item and complete it):

A、 Fixed term labor contract: from to;

B、 Non fixed term labor contract , as of.

C、 The deadline is to complete the work.

2. This contract includes probation period (From MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY).

Article 2. Place of work: No. of city (county) road, province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government).

Article 3 Work content:

1. Party B agrees to take a post in Party A's department (or post), and the specific work content of Party B shall be in accordance with the requirements of Party A's post responsibilities.

2. If Party B is incompetent for the job, Party A may adjust Party B's position and determine the salary of one party according to the adjusted position; If Party B does not agree to the adjustment, Party A may notify Party B 30 days in advance Termination of labor contract Economic compensation It shall be distributed according to national regulations.

3. In the process of work, Party A has the right to claim compensation from Party B if Party B has serious negligence or intentionally caused losses to Party A.

Article 4 Working hours, rest and vacation:

1. Working hours: standard working hours. Party A guarantees that Party B will work no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 40 hours a week. The specific working hours shall be arranged by Party A according to the needs of production and operation, and Party B shall obey.

2. Rest and vacation: Party A shall arrange rest and vacation for Party B according to national regulations.

Article 5 Labor Remuneration:

1. Party B month wages The standard is RMB yuan, of which the salary during the probation period is RMB yuan;

(If piece rate wage is adopted, the wage shall be calculated according to the following standards:).

2. For production and operation needs, if Party A arranges Party B to extend working hours or work on rest days or statutory holidays, Party A shall pay according to the national standards overtime pay

3. Party A guarantees to pay the salary monthly, and the specific payment date is.

Article 6 social insurance

1. Party A shall handle various social insurances and pay social insurance premiums for Party B in accordance with national regulations;

2. Party A shall withhold the social insurance premium that shall be borne by Party B personally according to law from the salary due to Party B, and Party B shall have no objection.

Article 7 Labor protection, working conditions and occupational hazard protection:

Party A shall provide Party B with tools and places necessary for labor and other working conditions; Ensure that the workplace meets the safety production conditions stipulated by the state, and take safety precautions according to law to prevent Occupational Diseases

Article 8 Party A shall formulate and improve various rules and regulations according to law, and Party B shall strictly abide by them.

Article 9. Party B shall keep confidential all kinds of business secrets of Party A during the working period intellectual property right , company secrets and any other matters that should not be disclosed to the public, otherwise Party A shall be liable for compensation if it causes losses to Party A.

Article 10 Party B promises not to keep the agreement with any other unit Labor relations Or sign Non competition restrictions agreement. Otherwise, if losses are caused to other units, Party B shall be solely responsible for it, which has nothing to do with Party A.

Article 11 Labor rescission of a contract Or termination:

1. If Party B needs Termination of Labor Contract , Party B shall notify Party A in writing 30 days in advance, and the written notice shall be delivered to Party A (specific department and position);

2. For cancellation or Termination of Labor Contract In accordance with the Labor Contract Law and other laws statute Relevant regulations shall be implemented.

3. When canceling or terminating the labor contract, Party B shall hand over the work items in charge and the properties delivered by Party A to Party B for use to the staff designated by Party A. Party B shall compensate Party A for any loss caused by Party B's failure to handle handover.

4. Party B shall receive economic compensation according to law due to the cancellation or termination of the labor contract, but Party A will not pay economic compensation until Party B has handled the work handover with Party A.

Article 12. Disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be settled by both parties through negotiation in the principle of rationality, legality, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation; If no agreement can be reached through consultation, either party can Labor dispute arbitration The Commission applies for arbitration.

Article 13 Matters not stipulated in this contract shall be implemented in accordance with laws, regulations, administrative rules and local regulations.

Article 14 This contract shall come into force after being signed or sealed by both parties, and shall be made in duplicate, with each party holding one copy. Any change to any clause of this contract shall be confirmed by both parties in writing after being signed or sealed by both parties.

Party A (seal):

Signed by (signature):


Party B (signature):


Before the employer and the worker determine the labor relationship, both parties must sign a labor contract in accordance with the relevant national laws and regulations. The legal effect of the labor contract is to divide the rights and obligations to be performed by the laborer and the employer. that How to write a labor contract Please refer to the above for details. If the laborer encounters problems in the work process and needs help, he can contact us Nomogram .

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