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What is the minimum registered capital of the company

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.27 · 127118 people have seen it
Guide: In the new Company Law, the minimum registered capital of a limited company of 30000 yuan and the minimum registered capital of a one person limited company of 100000 yuan have been removed. Now, if you start a company, you will remove the limit on the proportion of initial capital contribution. The minimum registered capital of a securities company is 50 million yuan. The minimum registration limit of a fund management company is 100 million yuan and it is paid in capital. The paid in capital of the social security fund investment manager shall not be less than 50 million yuan and shall be paid in capital. The receivable capital of the social security fund custodian shall not be less than 8 billion yuan.
 What is the minimum registered capital of the company

Registered capital of the company What is the minimum

one )Securities companies

1. The minimum registered capital of a securities company engaged in the following businesses is 50 million yuan and is paid in capital:

(1) Securities brokerage;

(2) Securities investment consulting;

(3) Financial advisers related to securities trading and securities investment activities. ( Securities Law Article 127)

2. The minimum registered capital of a securities company operating any of the following businesses is 100 million yuan and is paid in capital; The minimum registered capital of securities companies operating two or more businesses is 500 million yuan, and it is paid in capital:

(1) Securities underwriting and recommendation;

(2) Securities self operation;

(3) Securities asset management;

(4) Other securities business. (Article 127 of the Securities Law)

3. The minimum registered capital of a securities registration and clearing institution is 100 million yuan. (Article 65 of the Administrative Measures of the Stock Exchange)

4. The minimum registered capital of a securities trading service institution is 1 million yuan. (Article 6 of the Interim Measures for the Administration of Securities and Futures Investment Consulting)

two )Fund companies

5. The minimum registration limit of a fund management company is 100 million yuan and it is paid in capital. (Item 1, Article 7 of the Administrative Measures for Securities Investment Fund Management Companies)

6、 social security The paid in capital of the fund investment manager shall not be less than 50 million yuan and shall be paid in capital. (Item 2, Article 9 of the Interim Measures for the Investment Management of the National Social Security Fund)

7. The receivable capital of the social security fund custodian shall not be less than 8 billion yuan. (Item 2, Article 18 of the Interim Measures for the Investment Management of the National Social Security Fund)

three )Trust companies

8. The minimum registered capital of a trust and investment company is 300 million yuan or equivalent convertible currency, and the registered capital is paid in monetary capital. (Article 10 of the Administrative Measures for Trust Companies)

9. The minimum registered capital of a futures brokerage company is 30 million yuan. (Item 1, Article 16 of the Regulations on the Administration of Futures Trading)

(4) Commercial banks

10. The minimum registered capital of a commercial bank is 1 billion yuan, and it is paid in capital. ( Commercial Bank Law Article 13)

11. The minimum registered capital of the urban cooperative commercial bank is 100 million yuan, and it is the paid in capital. (Article 13 of the Commercial Bank Law)

12. The minimum registered capital of rural cooperative commercial banks is 50 million yuan, and it is paid in capital. (Article 13 of the Commercial Bank Law)

13. The minimum registered capital of a wholly foreign-owned bank or a Sino foreign joint venture bank shall be 1 billion yuan or the equivalent in freely convertible currencies, and the registered capital shall be paid in capital. (Article 8 of the Regulations on the Administration of Foreign funded Banks)

five )Financial leasing and management companies

14. The minimum registered capital of a financial leasing company is 100 million yuan or the equivalent in freely convertible currencies, and the registered capital is paid in monetary capital. (Article 11 of the Administrative Measures for Financial Leasing Companies)

15. The minimum registered capital of a foreign-invested leasing company is US $10 million. (Item 1, Article 9 of the Administrative Measures for Foreign Investment in Leasing Industry)

16. The minimum registered capital of a financial asset management company is 10 billion yuan, which is allocated by the Ministry of Finance. (Article 5 of the Regulations on Financial Asset Management Companies)

six )Insurance companies

17. The minimum registered capital of an insurance company is 200 million yuan, and it is paid in monetary capital. ( Insurance Law Article 69)

18. The registered capital of an insurance loss adjuster in the form of a company shall not be less than 2 million yuan and shall be paid in monetary capital. (Article 9 of the Regulation on Insurance Loss Adjusters)

19. The registered capital of an insurance brokerage company shall not be less than 50 million yuan and shall be paid in monetary capital. (Article 8 of the Regulation on Insurance Brokerage Institutions)

20. Insurance agent The registered capital of the Company shall not be less than 50 million yuan and shall be paid in monetary capital. (Article 7 of the Regulation on Professional Insurance Agency)

21. The paid in monetary capital of life reinsurance companies and non life reinsurance companies shall not be less than 200 million yuan or the equivalent in convertible currencies. (Reinsurance Company establishment Rule 5)

22. The paid in monetary capital of a comprehensive reinsurance company shall not be less than 300 million yuan or the equivalent in convertible currencies. (Article 5 of the Provisions on the Establishment of Reinsurance Companies)

seven )Foreign invested companies

23. The minimum registered capital of a foreign-invested company shall not be less than US $30 million. (Item 3, Paragraph 1, Article 3 of the Provisions on the Establishment of Investment Companies by Foreign Investors)

24. For a foreign-funded venture capital enterprise in the form of a company, the capital subscribed by its shareholders shall not be less than US $5 million. (Article 6 of the Administrative Provisions on Foreign funded Venture Capital Enterprises)

eight )Cultural industry companies

25. Foreign invested cinemas shall have a registered capital of no less than 6 million yuan. (Item 2, Article 4 of the Interim Provisions on Foreign invested Cinemas)

26. The minimum registered capital of a publishing enterprise is 300000 yuan. (Item 4, Paragraph 1, Article 11 of the Regulations on the Administration of Publication)

27. The registered capital of a foreign-invested printing enterprise engaged in the printing business activities of publications, packaging and decoration printed matter shall not be less than 10 million yuan. (Item 4, Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Interim Provisions on the Establishment of Foreign funded Printing Enterprises)

28. The registered capital of foreign-invested printing enterprises engaged in other printing business activities shall not be less than 5 million yuan. (Item 4, Paragraph 1, Article 6 of the Interim Provisions on the Establishment of Foreign funded Printing Enterprises)

nine )Construction engineering companies

29. Class A project cost consultation Registered capital of the company Not less than 1 million yuan. (Item 7, Article 9 of the Administrative Measures for Engineering Cost Consulting Enterprises)

30. The registered capital of Class B engineering cost consulting company shall not be less than 500000 yuan. (Item 6, Article 10 of the Administrative Measures for Engineering Cost Consulting Enterprises)

31. The registered capital of real estate development with Grade I qualification shall not be less than 50 million yuan. (Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises)

32. The registered capital of real estate development with Grade II qualification shall not be less than 20 million yuan. (Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises)

33. The registered capital of real estate development with Level III qualification shall not be less than 8 million yuan. (Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises)

34. The registered capital of real estate development with Level IV qualification shall not be less than 1 million yuan. (Article 5 of the Regulations on the Administration of Qualifications of Real Estate Development Enterprises)

35. The registered capital of the engineering supervision company with comprehensive qualification standards shall not be less than 6 million yuan. (Item 1, Article 7 of the Regulations on Qualification Management of Engineering Supervision Enterprises)

36. The registered capital of the engineering supervision company with professional Grade A qualification shall not be less than 3 million yuan. (Item 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Qualification Management of Engineering Supervision Enterprises)

37. The registered capital of the engineering supervision company with professional Grade B qualification shall not be less than 1 million yuan. (Item 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Qualification Management of Engineering Supervision Enterprises)

38. The registered capital of a construction supervision company with Grade C professional qualification shall not be less than 500000 yuan. (Item 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on Qualification Management of Engineering Supervision Enterprises)

39. The registered capital of the engineering bidding agency with Grade A qualification shall not be less than 2 million yuan. (Item 5, Article 9 of the Measures for Qualification Accreditation of Bidding Agencies for Engineering Construction Projects)

40. The registered capital of the engineering bidding agency with Grade B qualification shall not be less than 1 million yuan. (Item 5, Article 10 of the Measures for Qualification Accreditation of Bidding Agencies for Engineering Construction Projects)

41. The registered capital of the project bidding agency applying for provisional level shall not be less than 1 million yuan. (Article 11 of the Measures for Qualification Accreditation of Bidding Agencies for Engineering Construction Projects)

ten ), Pawnshop

42. The minimum registered capital of the pawnbroking company is 3 million yuan, and it is paid in capital. (Article 8 of the Measures for the Administration of Pawn)

43. Engaging in real estate mortgage The minimum registered capital of the pawnbroking company is 5 million yuan, and it is paid in capital. (Article 8 of the Measures for the Administration of Pawn)

44. Engaging in property rights pledge The minimum registered capital of the pawnbroking company in the pawnbroking business is 10 million yuan, and it is paid in capital. (8 pawn management measures)

45. The minimum registered capital of a pawnbroking company with cross provincial branches is 15 million yuan, and it is paid in capital. (Article 12 of pawn management measures)

eleven )Tourism companies

46. For international travel agencies, the registered capital shall not be less than 1.5 million yuan. (Item 1, Article 7 of the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies)

47. For domestic travel agencies, the registered capital shall not be less than 300000 yuan. (Item 2, Article 7 of the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies)

48. An international travel agency should increase its registered capital by 750000 yuan and pay more quality for each branch bond RMB 300000. (Paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies)

49. For each branch established by a domestic travel agency, the registered capital shall be increased by 150000 yuan and the quality deposit shall be increased by 50000 yuan. (Paragraph 2 of Article 15 of the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies)

50. The minimum registered capital of a Sino foreign joint venture travel agency is 4 million yuan. (Article 28 of the Regulations on the Administration of Travel Agencies)

twelve )Transportation companies

51. The minimum registered capital of a company engaged in the agency business of international cargo transport by sea is 5 million yuan. (Item 1, Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the Administrative Provisions on International Freight Forwarding Agency)

52. The minimum registered capital of a company engaged in international air cargo transportation agency business is 3 million yuan. (Item 2, Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the Administrative Provisions on International Freight Forwarding Agency)

53. The minimum registered capital of a company engaged in international overland cargo transportation agency business or international express business is 2 million yuan. (Item 3, Paragraph 1, Article 8 of the Administrative Provisions on International Freight Forwarding Agency)

54. For companies operating two or more of the above businesses, the minimum registered capital shall be the maximum one. (Paragraph 3, Article 8 of the Regulations on the Administration of International Freight Forwarding Agency Industry)

55. The registered capital of an international freight forwarding company shall be increased by 500000 yuan for each additional branch to operate international freight forwarding business. (Paragraph 3, Article 8 of the Regulations on the Administration of International Freight Forwarding Agency Industry)

56. Foreign invested international freight forwarders must meet the minimum registered capital of US $1 million. (Article 6 of the Measures for the Administration of Foreign funded International Freight Transport Agency Enterprises)

57. The registered capital of those who are engaged in Class I air transportation sales agency business is not less than 1.5 million yuan and is paid in capital. (Item 1, Article 12 of the Measures for the Accreditation of Civil Air Transport Sales Agents)

58. The registered capital of the second class air transportation sales agency business shall not be less than 500000 yuan and shall be paid in capital. (Item 2, Article 12 of the Measures for the Accreditation of Civil Air Transport Sales Agents)

59. The sales agency company shall increase its registered capital by 500000 yuan for each additional branch or business outlet. (Article 15 of the Measures for the Accreditation of Civil Air Transport Sales Agents)

60. The registered capital of the company registered by the customs broker is more than 1.5 million yuan. (Article 9 of the Administrative Provisions of the Customs on the Registration of Customs Declaration Entities)

thirteen )Telecom service companies

61. The minimum registered capital of those who apply for basic telecommunications business and operate within the scope of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is 100 million yuan; The minimum amount of registered capital for businesses operating nationwide or across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is 1 billion yuan. (Telecommunication service Business license Article 5 of the Administrative Measures)

62. The minimum registered capital of those who apply to operate value-added telecommunications services within the scope of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is 1 million yuan; The minimum amount of registered capital for businesses operating nationwide or across provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government is 10 million yuan. (Article 6 of the Measures for the Administration of Telecommunication Business Licenses)

63. The minimum registered capital of a foreign investor in basic telecommunications business nationwide or across provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government is 1 billion yuan, and the minimum registered capital of a foreign investor in value-added business is 10 million yuan. (Paragraph 1, Article 5 of the Administrative Provisions on Foreign invested Telecommunications Enterprises)

64. The minimum registered capital of a foreign investor in basic telecommunications business within a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall be 100 million yuan; The minimum registered capital of value-added business is 1 million yuan. (Paragraph 2, Article 5 of the Administrative Provisions on Foreign invested Telecommunications Enterprises)

fourteen )、 labor dispatch enterprise

65. The minimum registered capital of a company engaged in labor dispatch business is 2 million yuan.

In the new《 company law 》The minimum registered capital of a limited company of 30000 yuan and the minimum registered capital of a one person limited company of 100000 yuan have been removed in China. Now, if a company is opened, the limit on the proportion of initial capital contribution will be removed. If you have any questions, you can go to Nomogram Find professional lawyer consultation.

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