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Is the legal fee for demolition in Mianyang fixed?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.19 · 1209 people have seen it
Guide: Our food, clothing, housing and transportation, because we have legal rules to better protect our respective rights and interests from being infringed, our life is inseparable from the law, so we should improve the understanding and understanding of legal knowledge to avoid being unable to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests in the face of legal problems. Maybe you are now facing the problem of how much is fixed for the relocation lawyer fees in Mianyang. I hope the content of this article can help you.
 Is the legal fee for demolition in Mianyang fixed?

1、 Mianyang Demolition lawyer Is the fee fixed?

Lawyer fees are not fixed. Lawyer's fees are different from case handling funds. The necessary expenses incurred by lawyers for handling entrusted affairs must still be borne by the client. Such as transportation, accommodation Judicial expertise Fees, etc. Lawyer fees are different from Legal costs , attorney fees are civil fees based on the entrustment relationship agent Costs, legal fees are based on filing with the court litigation Mandatory fees incurred. Lawyer fees are negotiable, but legal fees are not.

2、 What are the types of attorney fees?

1. Regular charges

Regular charges are made by reference to the level of the proceedings, which are“ second instance The system of "final adjudication", that is, litigation division first instance In the stage of stage and second instance, the first lawsuit is the first instance. If one party refuses to accept the judgment or ruling of the first instance, the second instance can be initiated. The judgment of the second instance is the final judgment. Generally, no lawsuit can be initiated again. However, in reality, there are enforcement procedures after the judgment, that is, if the other party fails to perform the content determined in the judgment after the judgment, the other party applies Court enforcement The property of the other party so that the content of the judgment can be realized (that is, what is usually called sealing up and distraining property). Correspondingly, there are three stages of lawyer fees: first instance fees, second instance fees, and execution procedure fees.

2. Lump sum charge

Lump sum charge means that the case will be responsible to the end after charging a fee, that is, only charging a fee once will be responsible for the three stages of first instance, second instance and implementation. The charging standard shall be appropriately raised on the basis of the first instance charges in the regular charges.

3. Risk charges

Risk charges refer to charging less fees before the execution of judgment, mediation and settlement, and charging higher fees after winning the lawsuit or the execution of the payment. The charge standard is about 2000-10000 in the early stage, and 10-30% of the amount won or executed after winning the lawsuit. The way and amount of lawyer fees are determined by the lawyer and the client through consultation within a certain range. How to charge for a specific case and how much to charge for lawyers should be determined through consultation with lawyers.

If both parties have a dispute over the demolition problem and cannot solve the problem through negotiation, they can usually only choose to sue to the court. When the lawsuit is brought to the court, the parties can entrust a professional defense lawyer to participate in the trial, which can effectively raise the probability of winning the lawsuit, But the lawyer will charge according to the actual situation of the case.

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