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How to negotiate personalized installment payment

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.20 · 34835 people have seen it
Guide: First, communicate with the bank to tell me what caused the failure to repay, and say that I want to negotiate the reasons for repayment. Second, understand the principal and interest that need to be repaid now, and then further negotiate and communicate to apply for installment repayment. After successful communication, you need to submit relevant information, and then implement according to the agreement.

 How to negotiate personalized installment payment

1、 How to negotiate Personalized staging repayment

The first step is to call the customer service of the bank and tell the customer service the reason why it is unable to repay now. You want to apply for specific reasons for negotiating repayment.

Step 2: Understand the principal and interest to be repaid,

The third step is to tell the customer service personnel about their current situation and the amount they can accept for monthly repayment, further negotiate and communicate, and let the customer service application report.

Step 4: Wait for the communication results and submit them according to the specified certification materials. It is a reminder that we should never ignore the return call. If we fail to submit the information on time, we will default to failure in the negotiation.

Step 5. After successful communication, negotiation will be signed Amortization Loan Scheme mode. There are three forms: recording, electronic protocol and paper protocol. Each bank has a different form, and the bank keeps evidence Use it and keep it until arrears Until the settlement date.

When the negotiation with the bank is successful, it must be carried out according to the negotiated repayment amount, and it must not be overdue twice, otherwise it will be required to repay all at once or directly sue.

II Credit card overdue What are the consequences of

1. Overdue fine for credit card. The so-called overdue fine of credit card refers to the fee that should be paid to the card issuing bank according to regulations when the card holder fails to repay before the due repayment date (inclusive) or the repayment amount is less than the minimum repayment amount.

2. Overdue interest. User use Credit card overdraft In the future, there are generally interest free repayment periods ranging from more than 20 days to more than 50 days. If the cardholder's repayment is overdue, then all expenses of the cardholder in the last month will no longer enjoy the interest free treatment of the bank, and the revolving daily interest rate is up to 5%, that is, the annual interest rate is 18%.

3. Bad credit record. Overdue repayment records of credit cards will enter the central bank's credit reporting system to generate bad credit records Personal credit The records have been connected nationwide. As long as individual residents have handled loan business, applied for credit card, or provided guarantee for others in the bank, they can check the credit report in any domestic commercial bank.

4、 Litigation costs If the credit card fails to repay for more than 3 months, the bank will lawyer Send to user Lawyer's Letter And file a lawsuit to the court litigation , litigation costs will be borne by the cardholder.

5. Criminal liability for malicious overdraft. According to the regulations, malicious overdraft refers to the act that the cardholder overdraws beyond the specified limit or period for the purpose of illegal possession, and still does not return it after being urged by the issuing bank. Malicious overdraft is used for credit card fraud, and large amount will be used Crime of credit card fraud Investigating criminal responsibility, with a punishment of less than 5 years fixed-term imprisonment perhaps criminal detention And more than 20000 yuan but less than 200000 yuan fine

3、 Overdue credit card can Entrusted lawyer Negotiate

1. You can contact a lawyer and entrust it to handle. If it is confirmed that the amount owed by the credit card exceeds the cardholder's ability to repay, and the cardholder still has the intention to repay, the cardholder can entrust a lawyer to negotiate with the issuer on an equal basis to reach a personalized installment Repayment Agreement The maximum term of personalized installment agreement shall not exceed 5 years.

2. If both parties reach an agreement and sign an installment agreement, the card issuing bank and its card issuing service agency shall Stop collection , except that the cardholder fails to perform the installment agreement. If an oral repayment agreement is reached, the issuer must keep the recorded data. The recording time shall be at least up to the date of settlement of arrears.

4、 When is the mandatory deduction for overdue credit cards

1. Compulsory deduction of overdue credit card means that after the bank sued the overdue credit card, the case was Enforcement , start scratching. After the card user is enforced by the court, the banking system will deduct the balance every day to repay.

2. Although many banks now stipulate that their credit cards do not support the binding of savings cards to other banks, their savings cards all support automatic repayment. As long as there is a balance in the savings card, it will be automatically transferred to the credit card before the repayment date. Generally speaking, the system will send a short message to remind the cardholder to repay and recharge 7 or 3 days before the repayment date. If the cardholder forgets and causes overdue, he cannot go to the bank to issue a non malicious overdue.

After use, the credit card must be repaid on time, or it will bring serious consequences. First, it will bring overdue late fees, second, it will produce overdue interest, and then it will cause adverse effects on credit investigation. Therefore, in the expected future, the credit card can communicate with the bank in a timely manner, tell the bank its repayment intention, and apply to the bank for installment repayment.

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