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What is the importance of intellectual property protection

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.01 · 6457 people have seen it
Guide: 1. monopolize the market; 2. Prevent others from imitating; 3. Can be sold (transferred) as a commodity; 4. Avoid being preempted by others; 5. Reliable publicity channels; 6. Avoid the embarrassment of removing exhibits from the exhibition
 What is the importance of intellectual property protection

1. Monopolize the market

A product can only be awarded patent right Is equal to having an exclusive right in the market. have not yet Patentee No one is allowed to produce, sell, promise to sell, use or import the patent Products. Therefore, patents play an important role in occupying and protecting the market. This role has been formulated in the GATT intellectual property right After the protection agreement, it became more prominent. It linked the protection of patents with international trade, and strengthened the protection of patents.

2. Prevent others from imitating

patent application It can prevent others from imitating new technologies and products developed. Once a technology Patent application Whether this technology is published by publishing papers, attending academic conferences or exhibitions, or making public in other ways, it is made public under the protection of law. Even if anyone learns or masters this technology through the above ways, after the technology is granted a patent right, he cannot use it casually.

Products with high technology content need patent protection, and products with low technology content need patent protection even more, because products with low technology content are more likely to be imitated, so enterprises should pay attention to them.

3. Can be sold (transferred) as a commodity

Patented technology can be sold (transferred) as a commodity. Once a pure technology is granted a patent right, it becomes an industrial property right, forms an intangible asset, and has value. A pure technology cannot become an industrial property right (except for technical secrets). Therefore, only after applying for a patent and being examined by the Patent Office and granted a patent right, can a technological invention become an internationally recognized intangible asset.

4. Avoid being preempted by others

although patent law It is stipulated that before the date of patent application, there should be no public manufacturing, sales or use in China, but the corresponding validity should be obtained afterwards evidence It is quite difficult, so it is possible for others to apply for and obtain valid patents for the products (or technologies) you have disclosed, or even investigate your tort liability At that time, the gains will not be worth the losses.

5. Reliable publicity channels

When advertising or products are marked with patent marks, consumers believe that such products are more reliable and credible, and improve the visibility of enterprises.

6. Avoid the embarrassment of removing exhibits from the exhibition

At the exhibition, the patent right is like a "birth certificate" of a new product. Whoever owns the "birth certificate" will have the right to display the product as a patented product. Otherwise, there will be a crisis of being ordered to remove the exhibits at any time, or even being disqualified from participating in the exhibition (large exhibitions generally have relevant provisions on intellectual property protection). Therefore, exhibitors should apply for patents for their new products in a timely manner. For new products developed by suppliers, it is recommended that they apply for patents before organizing the exhibition.

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