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What should I do if my credit card is not in installment?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.28 · 54869 people have seen it
Guide: If the credit card cannot be repaid by installment, we should raise funds as soon as possible, or choose to repay by installment. If the malicious debt is not repaid, it will be blacklisted by the bank, and will also be sued to seal up the mortgaged property, so we need to try to avoid overdue.

 What should I do if my credit card is not in installment?

I Credit card installment What should we do if we don't get there yet

use Credit card overdraft If it is not due, it shall raise funds to repay as soon as possible, or choose the method of installment to reduce the pressure of repayment. Try to avoid the occurrence of overdue, or it will produce a series of adverse consequences, such as: overdue interest penalty; Overdue records shall be recorded in credit investigation; Will be blacklisted by the bank; Will be prosecuted and sealed up by the court mortgage Property and other consequences.

  《 Civil Code 》Article 674 The borrower shall pay the interest at the prescribed time. If the time limit for interest payment was not prescribed or clearly prescribed, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, if the loan period is less than one year, it shall be paid together with the repayment of the loan; If the loan period is more than one year, it shall be paid at the end of each year. If the remaining period is less than one year, it shall be paid together with the repayment of the loan.

Article 675 The borrower shall repay the loan at the prescribed time. If the term of the loan was not agreed or clearly agreed, and cannot be determined in accordance with the provisions of Article 510 of this Law, the borrower may repay the loan at any time; The lender may demand the borrower to return the loan within a reasonable period of time.

Article 676 Overdue Interest Where the borrower fails to repay the loan at the prescribed time, it shall pay overdue interest in accordance with the contract or the relevant provisions of the State.

2、 What are the consequences of overdue

1. Default interest will be paid if overdue

No matter what kind of network loan is applied for, once the repayment is overdue, the lending institution will not only notify the borrower of timely repayment at the first time, but also collect default interest according to the corresponding standards (some products also Liquidated damages )。

Take JD Baitiao as an example. If the installment is not made, you can enjoy an interest free period of 30 days, and normal repayment will not incur costs. If the installment is handled, in addition to the installment fee charged at the monthly rate of 0.5%/month, if the repayment is not made after repeated reminders, the penalty will be charged at the daily interest rate of 0.03% (that is, three ten thousandths).

As for Huabei, once the repayment is overdue, the daily interest rate will be 0.05% or lending rate Up 50%, penalty interest will be charged. The longer the time, the more penalty interest. The interest penalty interest rolls up, which is very scary.

2. Overdue records recorded in credit investigation

Although the application of "Huabei", "Borrowing" and "Baitiao" mainly refers to your sesame credit score and third-party credit rating. Only when the credit score reaches the standard, can the applicant be eligible for application. However, once overdue, it may be reported to the central bank's credit reporting system, such as Alipay. Although many online lenders have not yet been connected to the credit reporting system, they may be connected to the credit reporting system soon.

3. Will be collected

If the borrower fails to repay the loan, the lender will arrears , they will go through the collection procedures, such as SMS collection, phone collection and door-to-door collection. At that time, not only your own life will be affected. If you leave emergency contacts or are read from the address book, your relatives and friends will also be harassed by various collection calls.

4. Will be blacklisted by the bank

Those who have been blacklisted by the bank will not be able to travel by plane, high-speed rail, accommodation, etc; More seriously, children will not be able to attend key schools; There will be more punishment in the future, which can be said that life will be difficult to move.

5. Will be sued by the court to seal up the mortgaged property

If you have not paid for more than 3 months, it is very serious! The loan bank will collect due loans according to law Loan contract and Guarantee contract (Mortgage or pledge The contract) will be sued to the court, and the court will adopt Property preservation And other measures, including freezing the lender and Loan guarantor All deposits in bank accounts, and the property pledged and mortgaged shall be sealed up.

To sum up, we should find various ways to repay if the credit card installment is not good enough, or choose the way of installment to reduce our own repayment pressure Credit card debt Repayments will be sued, the mortgaged property will be sealed, and personal credit will also be affected, including freezing the lender's deposit.

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