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What is the salary leave period for work injury shutdown in Suzhou?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.02.23 · 7277 people have seen it
Guide: In Suzhou, there is no difference between the salary during the work-related injury shutdown period and the usual salary. The employer should pay the relevant salary in full. During the work-related injury shutdown period, employees should also carry out disability identification, and request the employer to make compensation according to the results of disability identification standards. Those who refuse to make compensation can be settled through labor arbitration.

 What is the salary leave period for work injury shutdown in Suzhou?

1、 Suzhou Injury on-the-Job Suspension with salary What is the treatment?

Suspension with salary Wages and benefits The treatment is flexible. Post salary Post subsidy and safety performance bonus belong to wages Within the total amount, the unit shall pay in full. For the floating salary, the company can refer to the employee's normal labor income to pay the salary during the suspension period. If the employee thinks that the wages paid by the unit for the suspension period do not meet the《 Regulations on Work Injury Insurance 》It is stipulated that mediation can be applied to the trade union at that time.

(1) If the employee has worked in the company for 12 months before the industrial injury, the average monthly salary (including basic salary, bonus, allowance and Overtime pay )Calculate the original wage standard;

(2) If the employee has worked in the unit for less than 12 months before the industrial injury, the original wage standard shall be calculated according to the monthly average wage of the actual number of working months before the industrial injury.

(3) If the employee has worked less than one month before the industrial injury, the original salary standard shall be calculated according to the monthly salary agreed in the contract; If the original salary amount has not been agreed or cannot be determined, the original salary standard shall be calculated at not less than 60% of the social monthly average salary of the city's employees in the previous year.

2、 Judicial interpretation

Generally, the leave of pay period for shutdown shall not exceed 12 months, which shall be determined according to the injury condition. Most provinces have issued the Classification Catalog of Work Injury Workers' Work Suspension and Salary Retention Period to determine the length of work suspension and salary retention period corresponding to specific injuries. If the injury is serious or special, it can be extended appropriately, but the extension shall not exceed 12 months. The Regulations on Work Injury Insurance has no clear provisions on the determination of the wage retention period for work stoppage. According to the relevant provisions on the wage retention period for work stoppage in provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government, employers (such as Beijing City, Shandong Province) or Appraisal of labor capacity Committee (such as Hebei Province) to determine. The extension of the suspension period with salary shall be uniformly confirmed by the labor capacity appraisal committee of the city divided into districts.

What needs to be clear is that the treatment standard of Suzhou for the leave of pay period for industrial injury ceremony is handled according to the relevant national laws and regulations, but according to the characteristics of Suzhou's economic development level, the treatment of the leave of pay period for industrial injury shutdown can be reasonably adjusted to meet the local economic development level, and the specific situation should be determined by the judicial authority according to the actual situation.

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