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What are the main benefits and compensation enjoyed by the injured workers?

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Source: Legal Chart Compilation · 2024.03.04 · 2419 people have seen it
Guide: In fact, the benefits that the injured workers can enjoy are mainly the costs incurred during the hospital treatment. In addition, these benefits will not be affected in any way during the reasonable shutdown with salary. As for other disability benefits, they are compensation items only generated in serious industrial accidents. Of course, industrial injury benefits cannot be arbitrarily demanded.

 What are the main benefits and compensation enjoyed by the injured workers?

I Injury on-the-Job What are the main benefits and compensation enjoyed by employees?

1. Treatment (medical) expenses. The expenses for treating industrial injuries must meet employment injury insurance Catalog of diagnosis and treatment items, catalog of drugs for industrial injury insurance, and hospitalization service standards for industrial injury insurance.

2. Food allowance for hospitalization. If an employee is hospitalized for treatment of work-related injury, his/her unit shall pay 70% of the food allowance standard for business trip to the hospital.

3. Transportation expenses, board and lodging expenses for medical treatment in other places. With the certificate issued by the medical institution and the consent of the handling institution, if the injured employees go to the medical service outside the planned area, the transportation, board and lodging expenses required shall be reimbursed by the unit according to the standard for business trip of the employees of the unit.

4. Rehabilitation treatment fee. The cost of rehabilitation treatment for injured workers in the medical institution that signed the service agreement shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund if it conforms to the provisions of the third paragraph of this article in the catalogue of diagnosis and treatment items of industrial injury insurance, the catalogue of drugs for industrial injury insurance, and the hospitalization service standards for industrial injury insurance.

5. Auxiliary equipment cost. The injured workers, due to their daily life or employment needs Appraisal of labor capacity The Committee confirmed that prosthetic limbs, orthotics, artificial eyes, dentures, wheelchairs and other auxiliary devices can be installed, and the required expenses shall be paid from the industrial injury insurance fund according to the standards stipulated by the State.

6、 Suspension with salary wages Employees are injured or suffering from accidents due to work Occupational Diseases If it is necessary to suspend work to receive medical treatment for work-related injuries, the original Wages and benefits The salary will remain unchanged and will be paid monthly by the employer.

7. Life Nursing expenses If an injured worker who is unable to take care of himself or herself needs nursing care during the period of suspension with pay, the unit to which he or she belongs shall be responsible. Workers with work-related injuries have been assessed Disability level If the labor ability appraisal committee confirms that life care is needed, the living care fee shall be paid monthly from the industrial injury insurance fund. The living care fee shall be paid according to three different levels: totally unable to take care of themselves, mostly unable to take care of themselves or partially unable to take care of themselves. The standard is 50%, 40% or 30% of the average monthly salary of employees in the last year in the overall planning area.

8、 One off disability benefit Standard: Level I permanent disability Is my salary for 24 months, Grade II disability is my salary for 22 months, Grade III disability is my salary for 20 months, and Grade IV disability is my salary for 18 months; Grade V disability is my salary of 16 months, Grade VI disability 14 months' salary and 12 months' salary for Grade VII disability, Grade VIII disability 10 months' salary; Grade 9 disability is 8 months' salary, Grade 10 disability It is my salary for 6 months.

9、 Disability Benefits If an employee is identified as a Class I to Class IV disability due to work-related disability, a one-time disability subsidy will be paid from the work-related injury insurance fund according to the disability level. The standard is: Class I disability is 24 months' salary, Class II disability is 22 months' salary, Class III disability is 20 months' salary, and Class IV disability is 18 months' salary. If an employee is identified as Grade V or Grade VI disabled due to work, the employee shall be retained Labor relations The employer shall arrange appropriate work. If it is difficult to arrange work, the employer shall pay a monthly disability allowance. The standard is: 70% of my salary for Grade 5 disability, and 60% of my salary for Grade 6 disability.

10. One time disability employment subsidy and one time occupational injury medical subsidy. If an employee is identified as a Class V or Class VI disability due to work-related disability, upon the employee's request, the employee may terminate or terminate the labor relationship with the employer, and the employer shall pay a one-time medical subsidy for work-related injury and a disability employment subsidy; If an employee is identified as Grade 7 to Grade 10 disabled due to work-related disability, Labor contract Termination upon expiration, or proposed by the employee himself Termination of labor contract The employer shall pay one-time medical subsidies for work-related injuries and disability employment subsidies. The specific standards shall be formulated by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

11. Funeral benefits. The funeral allowance for employees who died at work is the average monthly salary of employees in the last year in the planned area for 6 months.

12、 Pensions for dependent relatives The pension for supporting relatives of employees who died at work shall be paid to relatives who provided the main source of livelihood and were unable to work before the death of employees at work according to a certain proportion of their own wages. The standard is: 40% per month for spouses, 30% per month for other relatives, and 10% per month for the elderly or orphans. Approved supporting relatives Pension The sum shall not be higher than the wages of the dead workers. The specific scope of supporting relatives shall be stipulated by the labor and social security administrative department of the State Council.

13. One time death benefit. The standard of one-time death allowance is the average monthly salary of employees in the last year in the overall planning area from 48 months to 60 months. The specific standards shall be formulated by the people's government of the overall planning area according to the local economic and social development, and reported to the people's government of the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government for the record.

Industrial injury insurance institutions are dedicated to Industrial accident Paid Economic compensation The situation is rising year by year. It is not normal for the state to repeatedly emphasize the need to ensure employment safety. It indicates that there is not enough safety awareness from the company to the employees, and the treatment that different employees can enjoy is not comparable.

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