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Hello, do you have any evidence for what you said?
#Marriage and family Henan Jiaozuo



Hello, the details are communicated by phone
#Marriage and family Henan Jiaozuo



Are these the expenses you paid to each other before?
#Marriage and family Henan Jiaozuo



If it is true that ignorance is not enough, it may lead to fraud, but it may be suspected of helping trust
#Criminal defence Henan Jiaozuo



Hello, the details are communicated by phone
#Criminal defence Henan Jiaozuo



The loss of more than 5000 may constitute intentional destruction of financial resources and a criminal offence, but may not necessarily be put in prison.
#Criminal defence Henan Jiaozuo



Hello, can you tell us your details? We'll contact you
#Traffic accident Henan Jiaozuo



How is responsibility divided? I'll tell you more later
#Traffic accident Henan Jiaozuo



When did it happen? Is the damage serious?
#Traffic accident Henan Jiaozuo



Hello, detailed communication is OK
#Creditor's rights and debts Henan Jiaozuo



If the credit card is overdue, repayment can be negotiated
#Creditor's rights and debts Henan Jiaozuo



Hello, you can ask any legal questions
#Damages Henan Jiaozuo



How did you get hurt? I was beaten in a traffic accident
#Damages Henan Jiaozuo
 Yu Haiwei, lawyer of Wuzhi County
Specially invited lawyer of Wuzhi County: Yu Haiwei
Online consultation
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • The divorce agreement can only take effect after divorce registration. If one party reneges, the agreement has no legal effect. The divorce agreement cannot be used as the basis for judgment when the court is trying. The signed divorce agreement only represents the consensus of both parties, but the divorce registration has not been completed, so the agreement has no legal effect. The divorce agreement is a conditional agreement, which takes divorce as the premise. If the registration procedures are not completed, the signature is invalid.
    2024-06-28 18:48:00 Number of helpers: 1216
  • The estate of the deceased party can still be inherited after his or her spouse remarries. The remarried partner has the right to claim and accept the inheritance distribution, because according to the law, the spouse is the first heir, regardless of whether he or she remarries. The right of inheritance is the right of the successor to obtain the property left by the decedent in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
    2024-06-28 18:45:00 Number of helpers: 1349
  • After the death of their parents, grandchildren can inherit the estate of their grandmother under certain conditions, such as the will of their grandparents or the death of their parents before their grandparents. According to the law, parents, spouses and children are the first in line heirs. Under two special circumstances, grandchildren can subrogate or transfer the inheritance of grandparents.
    2024-06-28 18:33:00 Number of helpers: 1451
  • The alimony is usually paid until the child has reached the age of 18, when they usually have the ability to live independently. However, if the child is unable to live independently due to special reasons, such as receiving education or losing the ability to work, the parents still need to continue to pay maintenance fees. In short, the specific situation needs to be judged according to the child's actual living ability.
    2024-06-28 18:33:00 Number of helpers: 1474
  • The People's Procuratorate shall decide whether to initiate a public prosecution or not within 30 days after receiving the case for review and prosecution. In case of major and complex cases, it may be extended to 45 days with the approval of the Procurator General. The procuratorate shall decide to start or terminate criminal proceedings within one month to one and a half months.
    2024-06-28 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1596
  • Whether the fracture of the base of the fifth metatarsal bone constitutes disability should be judged according to the degree of injury and sequelae. This part is located in the sole of the foot, and can apply for disability identification after fracture. If there is no sequela and the healing is good after treatment, it is usually rated as Grade 10 disability. The specific situation needs to be evaluated by a professional doctor.
    2024-06-28 18:54:00 Number of helpers: 1284
  • The role and nature of the principal, accessory and coerced accessory in the crime are different. The principal offender is the planner or leader of the crime, playing a key role; An accessory is a participant who plays an auxiliary or secondary role in a crime; The coerced accomplice is the person who is forced to participate in the crime because of being threatened. In law, the principal offender bears the main responsibility, while the accomplices and coerced accomplices have relatively light responsibilities and may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment.
    2024-06-28 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1432
  • The participation of minors in organizing prostitution should be severely punished. In terms of sentencing, the punishment will be increased on the basis of the crime of organizing prostitution stipulated by law. Those involved in organizing or forcing others to prostitution shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than 10 years and shall also be fined; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to more than 10 years of fixed-term imprisonment, life imprisonment, and a fine or confiscation of property.
    2024-06-28 18:48:00 Number of helpers: 1336
  • When signing a labor contract, it is generally not necessary to pay social insurance. Because the labor contract is usually temporary and contractual, and does not constitute a labor relationship, the employer does not need to pay social insurance for employees. However, if it is a labor contract, the employer must pay social insurance fees for workers according to regulations.
    2024-06-28 18:48:00 Number of helpers: 1305
  • One of the following conditions shall be met for the filing of arrears of wages: 1) arrears of more than three months to a worker in the amount of 5000 to 20000 yuan; 2) More than ten workers are in arrears, involving a total of 30000 to 100000 yuan of wages. If any condition is met, the filing procedure can be started.
    2024-06-28 18:39:00 Number of helpers: 1314
  • After the arbitration award comes into force, there is generally no direct appeal. According to the Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China, if the parties to a labor dispute disagree with the award after arbitration, they can file a lawsuit with the competent court within 15 days after receiving the award. If the ruling is deemed invalid or unenforceable by the court, the parties may bring a lawsuit to the court again on the same issue.
    2024-06-28 18:36:00 Number of helpers: 1369
  • The qualification requirements for labor dispatch are strict, and the enterprise shall meet the following conditions: the registered capital shall not be less than 2 million yuan; Have stable office and supporting facilities; Establish and improve the labor dispatch management system in line with laws and administrative regulations; Abide by the conditions stipulated by other laws and administrative regulations.
    2024-06-28 18:36:00 Number of helpers: 1547
  • Electric vehicle drunk driving shall be punished according to the type of vehicle. Drunken motor vehicle drivers will have their driver's licenses suspended for 6 months and will be fined 1000-2000 yuan; Non motor vehicle drivers who drink will be admonished or fined 5-50 yuan. Drunken driving refers to the driving behavior with 20-80 mg/100 ml of alcohol in the blood.
    2024-06-28 18:54:00 Number of helpers: 1758
  • If 20% of the drivers exceed the speed limit and collide with non motor vehicles, the responsibility shall be determined according to the law. The fault party shall be responsible for the accident in the motor workshop; The fault of both parties shall be shared in proportion. In case of motor vehicle and non motor vehicle or pedestrian accidents, if the non motor vehicle or pedestrian has no fault, the motor vehicle shall be fully responsible; If there is evidence to prove that he is negligent, the motor vehicle liability can be appropriately reduced.
    2024-06-28 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1935
  • In the process of vehicle borrowing and returning, if a traffic accident causes direct losses, the actual driver shall bear the main liability for compensation. However, in the case of vehicle rental, borrowing, etc., if the vehicle itself has defects or deficiencies, the actual user shall be liable for compensation. If the owner and manager have obvious faults, they shall also bear corresponding liabilities according to law.
    2024-06-28 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1857
  • At the intersection, if there is no traffic signal or police command, the left turning car does not give priority to the straight driving, take full responsibility; Right turn vehicles do not respect the priority of left turn vehicles, and they are also fully responsible. When the traffic light is red, the right turn vehicle fails to give way to the released vehicle, and he/she is fully responsible. The overtaking person shall be fully responsible for the accident caused by overtaking. The turner shall be responsible for the accident caused by the turn around at the forbidden place or at a specific section. Those who fail to obey the instructions of the traffic police will be fully responsible for the accident.
    2024-06-28 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1991
  • Debts arising from gambling after divorce shall not be regarded as joint debts of husband and wife according to the law. Therefore, when the property is divided and the debts are assumed, these debts should be borne by the gambler alone. The other party does not have to bear the repayment responsibility for these personal irrational consumption debts that are not used for common life and family expenses.
    2024-06-28 18:48:00 Number of helpers: 1087
  • Without the consent of the mortgagor, it is necessary to disclose information to it. The mortgage right shall not be independent of the assignment of creditor's rights or used as a guarantee for other creditor's rights. When the creditor's rights are transferred, the mortgage right shall be transferred accordingly, unless otherwise stipulated by law or agreed by the parties. If the debtor is not notified, the assignment of creditor's rights shall not be effective for the debtor. After the notification, unless the transferee agrees to withdraw, it cannot be withdrawn.
    2024-06-28 18:45:00 Number of helpers: 1171
  • The regulations on credit card deferred repayment and debit adjustment are as follows: late payment penalty is replaced by default penalty to prevent profit accumulation; The sentencing standard for credit card crimes was raised to 50000 yuan; The minimum repayment amount is determined by the bank itself, which can be less than 10%; Overdraft interest has a upper and lower limit, usually 0.035% - 0.05%; The interest free period can be extended to 60 days; The minimum payment shall be included in the direct withdrawal of credit card.
    2024-06-28 18:45:00 Number of helpers: 1483
  • For the IOU signed under the guidance of fraud, if both parties have no actual borrowing and lending behavior, they can file a lawsuit to the court to request that the IOU be judged invalid and the creditor debtor relationship be denied. The court will comprehensively consider the evidence, especially the evidence of the loan relationship, to assess whether the two parties have a legal and effective debt relationship. For loans involving cash payment, the court will comprehensively evaluate the delivery of vouchers, the relationship between the parties and the transaction process to determine whether there is a true and legal relationship between the creditor and the debtor.
    2024-06-28 18:39:00 Number of helpers: 1079
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 Yu Haiwei, lawyer of Wuzhi County
Hello! I'm Yu Haiwei, a lawyer from Wuzhi County. If you have legal problems, you can always Consult me