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  •  What is pre contractual obligation
    The so-called pre contract obligations: It refers to the legal obligations that the parties shall abide by and undertake before the contract is formed during the contract signing process. It is the concrete embodiment of the principle of good faith and fairness. The types and forms of pre contractual obligations include: Contract obligations in good faith, notification, assistance, protection, confidentiality, etc. (1) Obligation of contracting in good faith: It means that we should have the true intention to conclude the contract and should not engage in false or malicious negotiations. (2) Notification obligation: It means telling the other party the important facts truthfully, and not concealing or providing false information. (3) Confidentiality obligations: It means that the trade secrets of the other party known in the process of concluding the contract shall not be disclosed or used improperly. Otherwise, it shall be liable for compensation.
    Play volume: 648
  •  What are the characteristics of contract law
    The Contract Law (to be repealed on January 1, 2021) is the general term of the legal norms regulating the commodity exchange relationship between equal subjects. It regulates the contractual relationships such as the conclusion, effectiveness, performance, modification and cancellation, termination, and liability for breach of contract. The Contract Law of China (to be abolished as of January 1, 2021) has the following characteristics: First, it is a legal norm to adjust and protect the rights and obligations between equal subjects. The Contract Law (to be repealed as of January 1, 2021) emphasizes that the legal status of the parties to a contract is equal, and one party may not impose its will on the other party. The Contract Law (abolished on January 1, 2021) stipulates that the parties shall follow the principle of fairness to determine the rights and obligations of each party. Second, it is a legal norm to adjust and protect the property relations, economic relations and transaction relations between equal subjects. The Contract Law (to be repealed from January 1, 2021) requires the parties to exercise their rights and perform their obligations in accordance with the principle of good faith. The Contract Law (to be repealed from January 1, 2021) provides the parties with legal protection of property relations from a dynamic perspective. Third, it is a legal norm that embodies a series of important principles that must be observed and fully respects the party's autonomy of will. The Contract Law (abolished on January 1, 2021) emphasizes the principle of freedom of contract. Parties enjoy the right to enter into contracts voluntarily according to law, and no unit or individual may illegally interfere.
    Playback volume: 934
  • The specific investigation methods are: 1. The public security organ can find out where the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet through the IP address of the operator, and then determine which computer or mobile terminal the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet, so as to detect. 2. Whoever, for the purpose of making profits, provides conditions for gambling, or participates in gambling with a relatively large sum of money, shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.
    #Case handling process View: 2147465533
  • Fixed deposits can be withdrawn even if they are not due after death. 1. If the account of the deceased has not been cancelled, you can withdraw money from the bank with the ID card of the deceased and the ID card of the person taking the money on behalf. 2. If the account of the deceased person has been cancelled, when the deposit is due, withdrawal will be made on the due date, and no ID card is required.
    #Family disputes View: 2147465481
newest NEW marriage and family criminal defense traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts Contract affairs intellectual property right Damages



Lawyers can meet directly.....
#Latest Sichuan Chengdu



The recognizance of guilty plea and punishment contains the sentencing suggestions
#Latest Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, how about the specific case
#Latest Sichuan Chengdu



Can provide legal services, please contact
#Latest Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, do you need a lawyer or consultation?
#Marriage and family Sichuan Chengdu



Divorce through online litigation can be sentenced once in 7 days at the earliest
#Marriage and family Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, do you have any property to be divided
#Marriage and family Sichuan Chengdu



Cases not involving property disputes shall be charged per case. According to the guidance price, the attorney fee shall not be less than 5000 yuan.
#Marriage and family Sichuan Chengdu



Lawyers can meet directly.....
#Criminal defence Sichuan Chengdu



The recognizance of guilty plea and punishment contains the sentencing suggestions
#Criminal defence Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, how about the specific case
#Criminal defence Sichuan Chengdu



Can provide legal services, please contact
#Criminal defence Sichuan Chengdu



Suspected of drunk driving, no accident
#Traffic accident Sichuan Chengdu



Can do disability appraisal, compensation is also based on the results of disability appraisal to determine.
#Traffic accident Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, if a criminal case is filed, it is recommended to entrust a professional lawyer to defend in time to strive for better results.
#Traffic accident Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, what's the specific situation?
From question: traffic accident?
#Traffic accident Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, I'm Jing Yifan, lawyer. Do you have enough evidence to prove that you don't know this debt, and can also prove that this debt is not used for the family's common expenses during your husband and wife relationship.
#Creditor's rights and debts Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, what can I do for you
From question: Hello! ?
#Creditor's rights and debts Sichuan Chengdu



What is your platform and which bank's card?
#Creditor's rights and debts Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, I'm calling here to communicate with you in detail.
#Creditor's rights and debts Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, can you describe the problem in detail
#Intellectual property Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, is it a work-related injury or a personal injury
From question: Grade 10?
#Damages Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, if you have any questions, please contact me.
#Damages Sichuan Chengdu



How did it happen?
#Damages Sichuan Chengdu



Hello, what's the general situation
#Damages Sichuan Chengdu
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • After inheriting the real estate, if the heirs have completed the transfer registration process, they can immediately carry out transactions. In the current legal system of our country, the registration system implemented in real estate stipulates that only through the registration procedure can the ownership of the property be formally obtained and legal transactions be conducted. On the contrary, if the property change registration procedures are not fulfilled, the sales activities cannot be carried out immediately.
    2024-06-29 18:45:00 Number of helpers: 1150
  • With regard to the enforcement of joint property, it is necessary to receive a statement from the parties or a court investigation, inventory and preservation of property. After completion, a written notice shall be sent to the co owners to ensure their right to know. The division agreement reached by the co owners and recognized by the creditors shall be legally binding after being reviewed and confirmed by the court. The effect of mandatory measures such as sealing up, detaining and freezing extends to the property within the share of the person subjected to execution after the agreement is split.
    2024-06-29 18:42:00 Number of helpers: 1601
  • Under the principle of free love, polyamory does not involve legal red lines, but if it involves cheating others' property, it will constitute a crime. The government does not interfere in personal emotional life, but from a moral perspective, it is irresponsible to establish a love relationship with two women at the same time.
    2024-06-29 18:39:00 Number of helpers: 1945
  • The house purchase deposit paid before marriage is regarded as personal property, but it is regarded as joint property when it is used for house purchase or the down payment after marriage. Other personal property includes premarital property, personal injury compensation, wills or gifts of designated property, personal necessities, military casualty subsidies, etc. Wages, bonuses, production and operation income, intellectual property income, inheritance or gift income, investment income, housing subsidies, pension insurance, etc. during the marriage relationship are common property.
    2024-06-29 18:33:00 Number of helpers: 1408
  • According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, multiple thefts constitute theft and are usually sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, criminal detention or public surveillance of less than three years. Theft refers to stealing public and private property in large amount without authorization, or repeatedly stealing, entering the house, carrying weapons, etc. There is no limit on the amount of repeated theft, and it can be determined if the theft has been subject to criminal punishment or administrative punishment. More than three thefts within two years are multiple thefts. If the value of the stolen property is huge or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.
    2024-06-29 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1672
  • It is suggested to try to negotiate with the defendant and his relatives in depth first, and if there is no result, apply to the court for compulsory execution according to law. Once misappropriation of funds constitutes a crime, criminal liability and civil liability for compensation shall be borne. The public security organ has the right to trace the illegal gains and confiscate them or order them to return or compensate. There is no conflict between criminal liability and civil liability for compensation.
    2024-06-29 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1339
  • According to the criminal law, the criminal of robbery is sentenced to at least three years' imprisonment and a fine. If the circumstances are serious, he may be sentenced to three to ten years' imprisonment and a fine. If there are statutory aggravating circumstances, they will face more than 10 years of imprisonment, life or death, and may be fined or confiscated of property.
    2024-06-29 18:57:00 Number of helpers: 1870
  • If the defrauded money is returned in time before the crime of fraud is filed, it can be decided not to prosecute according to law and be exempted from criminal responsibility. Even if criminals cheat the public or private property, they can get lenient treatment of not prosecuting or being exempted from criminal punishment as long as they sincerely admit their guilt, repent, and complete the return of stolen goods and compensation before the first trial. Therefore, if the misappropriated funds are recovered at the stage of case filing and review, and the law is followed, it can be decided not to prosecute according to law.
    2024-06-29 18:54:00 Number of helpers: 1691
  • Female employees are entitled to breastfeeding leave within 6 and a half months after delivery. If there are actual difficulties, the maternity leave needs to be extended for breastfeeding, the employer can flexibly decide whether to approve or not according to the actual situation. Breastfeeding leave shall not exceed 12 months at most, and the salary during the period shall be 70% of the original salary standard. Those who have difficulty in living can be moderately increased but not exceed 80% of the original salary standard.
    2024-06-29 18:30:02 Number of helpers: 1874
  • China's pension system is mainly composed of basic pension, personal account pension and transitional pension. Basic pension and personal account pension together constitute basic pension. The specific amount of pension is affected by a variety of factors, such as the number of years that individuals pay social insurance, wage level, the average wage of local employees, the total amount of individual account funds, and the average life expectancy of urban population.
    2024-06-29 18:30:02 Number of helpers: 1258
  • To purchase social insurance, you need to meet the urban or rural to non household registration conditions, prepare the household register, ID card, photos and other information, and go to the community street social security service center and other places to handle. The cost is based on the average salary of the local society in the previous year, with pension insurance of about 20% and medical insurance of about 9%. You can also use the mobile app to pay.
    2024-06-29 18:27:00 Number of helpers: 1255
  • The place of labor arbitration is usually determined by the place where the employer is registered or the place where the labor contract is performed. Employees can choose to submit application materials in an arbitration institution within the region of their registered place or workplace. The arbitration institution shall ensure that it has jurisdiction. Labor disputes that do not conform to the jurisdiction will not be accepted and the parties will be notified to go to the labor and personnel dispute arbitration committee with jurisdiction to submit an arbitration application.
    2024-06-29 18:24:00 Number of helpers: 1422
  • If the accident caused by drinking and driving harms others, the driver shall bear legal liability, and compensate the victim for reasonable expenses, including medical expenses, nursing expenses, transportation expenses, nutrition expenses, hospital board subsidies, and lost income due to missed work. In case of disability, fees for auxiliary equipment and disability compensation shall be paid; In case of death, funeral expenses and death compensation shall be paid.
    2024-06-29 18:42:00 Number of helpers: 1438
  • If minors are involved in traffic accidents, their legal guardians shall be responsible for compensation. Although the law stipulates that only people aged 18 and above can drive motor vehicles, it does not mean that only they can realize the danger of motor vehicles. In fact, many teenagers aged 15, 16 and above are aware of the risks of motor vehicles, so they may also become responsible parties for traffic accidents.
    2024-06-29 18:33:00 Number of helpers: 1480
  • Whether the probation can be applied to the penalty discretion of traffic accident cases depends on whether the legal conditions are met: the crime must be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years and the circumstances are minor. The probation period starts from the effective date of the judgment, and is not applicable if the sentence exceeds three years. The probation period can be equal to or longer than the original sentence but not more than twice, and shorter than the original sentence can not play the role of probation. The performance during the trial period determines whether to execute the original judgment. The time of detention before judgment shall not be included in the probation period.
    2024-06-29 18:21:00 Number of helpers: 1192
  • In the case of motor vehicle and non motor vehicle traffic accidents, if both parties and pedestrians are involved, the motor vehicle shall compensate for the excessive loss. However, if the accident is caused by non motor vehicles or pedestrians illegally passing on the prohibited expressway or expressway, and the motor vehicle is not at fault, the liability is 5% of the total loss.
    2024-06-29 18:06:00 Number of helpers: 1717
  • There are obvious differences between general guarantee and joint and several guarantee in the form of bearing liability and the right of first pleading. In general guarantee, the guarantor is the second responsible person, and only bears the responsibility when the main debtor is unable to repay; In the joint and several guarantee, the guarantor and the principal debtor bear joint and several liabilities, and the creditor has the right to choose the object of recourse.
    2024-06-29 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1906
  • If the cardholder is in arrears with the credit card payment of up to 300000 yuan, the interest is usually calculated according to the interest calculation method agreed in advance between the cardholder and the issuing bank (the common interest rate standard is 5/10000 per day, so the monthly interest expense is about 4500 yuan). If no relevant agreement is reached, the local people's court can be legally sought to assist in determining the specific amount of interest.
    2024-06-29 18:51:00 Number of helpers: 1856
  • Overdue installment payment will lead to a series of serious consequences: loan institutions start collection procedures, users bear overdue records and high interest, overdue records damage personal credit, users may be prohibited from participating in credit transactions, relatives, friends and work units may be disturbed by collection calls, and loan institutions may file a lawsuit to force repayment.
    2024-06-29 18:36:00 Number of helpers: 1281
  • If the deceased person has ever borne debts during his lifetime, if such debts are deemed to be within the scope of personal responsibility, his or her spouse is not required to bear the obligation of repayment; However, if such debts are classified as joint liabilities during the marriage relationship, or such debts are caused by the common intentions and decisions of the husband and wife and used in their daily life, economic activities, production and business, the spouse must repay them.
    2024-06-29 18:15:00 Number of helpers: 1919
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