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How to deal with debt disputes after divorce

Time: June 10, 2024 label: Creditor's rights and debts Conjugal debt Reading: 1254 people
Lawyer's analysis:
divorce after Debt dispute The way to deal with it is: when divorce, it was the responsibility of the husband and wife debt Shall be jointly repaid. common property If it is not enough to pay off, or if the property belongs to each other, both parties shall agree to pay off; If the agreement fails, the people's court shall make a judgment.
Legal basis:
Article 1064 of the Civil Code, the debts incurred by the joint declaration of intention, such as the joint signature of both husband and wife, or the subsequent ratification of one of the husband and wife, and the debts incurred by one of the husband and wife in the name of an individual for the daily needs of the family during the existence of the marriage relationship, belong to the joint debts of husband and wife. The debts incurred by one of the husband and wife in their personal name during the existence of the marriage relationship in excess of the daily needs of the family are not joint debts of the husband and wife; However, unless the creditor can prove that the debt is used for the husband and wife's common life, production and operation, or based on the joint intention of the husband and wife.
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1、 During the period of separation, the disposal of their respective property shall be independently exercised by each party. The property obtained by both husband and wife is in a separate state. Both parties have no economic relations with each other, and one party's debt shall be personal debt. 2、 Although the husband and wife separated due to the deterioration of their relationship, they ended up with each other because of the existence of marital relationship

The couple's IOU for borrowing money is similar to the IOU written at ordinary times, indicating the borrower, the reason for borrowing, the amount of borrowing, the purpose of borrowing, the repayment date, the amount of interest (please note that it should not exceed four times the bank interest, otherwise it is not protected by law), and how to compensate if it cannot be returned when due. Most

The joint claims and debts of husband and wife are generally handled through consultation. If consultation fails, they can sue the court for judgment. In terms of creditor's rights, the court will find out whether there are creditor's rights and whether the creditor's rights belong to one party or both parties. If it is unclear, the court will take care of the rights and interests of the woman and children according to the specific conditions of the property

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 Lawyer Liu Shuang

Sichuan Guozhu Law Firm

Liu Shuang, a full-time lawyer, served as the legal adviser of a community in Wenjiang District in 2018 and was rated as an advanced individual by the Judicial Bureau; In 2021, he won the title of Chengdu Legal Aid Advanced Individual of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Justice; From May 2020 to May 2022, he served as a specially invited mediator of a district people's court in Chengdu. During his practice, he presided over mediation and represented a large number of civil and commercial legal litigation cases and non litigation cases, including construction contract disputes, creditor's rights and debt disputes, equity disputes, corporate legal advisers, etc. Lawyer Liu provides special legal knowledge training for all units. Lawyer Liu Shuang always believes that cases can be difficult or easy, but there is no difference between big and small cases. For each case, we will do our best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties with a sense of responsibility, professionalism and enthusiasm.

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