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How to punish new traffic regulations for hit and run without casualties

Time: September 9, 2024 label: traffic accident Traffic accident handling Reading: 1133 people
Lawyer's analysis:
about Hit and run No casualties, not yet constituted Traffic accident crime The traffic control department of the public security organ shall impose a fine of not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and may also impose a detention of not more than 15 days, at the same time revoke the motor vehicle driver's license, and may not obtain a new motor vehicle driver's license for life.
Traffic accident crime refers to violation of road traffic management statute , occurs Major traffic accidents , causing serious injury, death or heavy loss of public or private property, and being investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.
Legal basis:
Article 99 of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China
Whoever commits one of the following acts shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan by the traffic control department of the public security organ:
(1) Driving a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driving license, or when the motor vehicle driving license is revoked, or when the motor vehicle driving license is temporarily detained;
(2) Giving a motor vehicle to a person who has not obtained a motor vehicle driver's license or whose motor vehicle driver's license has been revoked or suspended for driving;
(3) Escaping after causing a traffic accident, but not constituting a crime;
(4) The motor vehicle exceeds the prescribed speed by 50% per hour;
The driver's license of a motor vehicle may also be revoked if the perpetrator is in any of the circumstances in sub paragraph (2) or (4) of the preceding paragraph;
Under any of the circumstances set forth in Items 1, 3, 5 to 8, a person may also be detained for not more than 15 days.
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Emergency measures after traffic accidents: 1. Stop immediately. 2. Timely report. 3. Protect the site. 4. Rescue the injured or property. 5. Take fire and explosion prevention measures. 6. Assist in on-site investigation and evidence collection. According to the relevant laws and regulations of our country, road traffic matters

The police should report to the police in a timely manner, and ask the police to identify the responsibility and determine the specific responsibility. Whoever drives a motor vehicle without obtaining a motor vehicle driver's license, whose motor vehicle driver's license is revoked or whose motor vehicle driver's license is temporarily detained shall be fined not less than 200 yuan but not more than 2000 yuan, and may also be fined not less than

Timely report to the police, and the traffic police will issue a responsibility certificate. However, driving without a license will generally bear the main responsibility, and will be fined 200 to 2000 yuan, and may be detained for less than 15 days. Article 99 of the Road Safety Law stipulates that: failing to obtain a motor vehicle driving license, motor vehicle driving

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 Han Haidong, lawyer

Gansu Jiezhou Law Firm

Han Haidong, Bachelor of Law, is a full-time lawyer of Gansu Jiezhou Law Firm. Served as a member of the Legal Expert Advisory Committee of the People's Government of Wudu District, Longnan City, and a member of the Criminal Professional Committee of Longnan City. He is good at criminal defense, enterprise legal risk prevention and control, marriage and family, contract disputes, establishment of personnel management system, and commercial litigation and arbitration. In 2016, he joined Gansu Fayin Law Firm (Lanzhou) as an intern, and in 2017, he joined Sichuan Wanfan Law Firm (Chengdu) as a consulting lawyer. During his practice, he participated in the agency of major cases involving mafia and evil, bankruptcy and reorganization of listed companies, and served as legal counsel for many government agencies and enterprises. The criminal team with a scientific mix of old, middle-aged and young is composed of director, senior partner and practicing lawyer. In the specific handling of cases, they are respectively responsible for the formulation of defense strategies, the communication and negotiation of public security organs, procuratorates and law enforcement agencies, the analysis of case evidence materials, and the study and judgment of legal provisions on suspected crimes.

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