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How to bring a lawsuit for inheritance

Time: 2024.02.23 label: marriage and family Inheritance Reading: 912 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Inheritance Dispute lawsuit:
1、 Writing Indictment
2、 Preparation evidence Material Science;
3、 Bring a lawsuit to the court;
4、 Submit the prosecution materials and wait for the court session.
heir It should be handled through consultation in the spirit of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation, harmony and unity inherit Question.
The time, method and share of the division of the estate shall be determined by the successors through consultation;
If negotiation fails people's mediation Mediation by the committee or filing with the people's court litigation
Legal basis:
Article 1132 of the Civil Code
Successors should deal with inheritance issues through consultation in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, harmony and unity.
The time, method and share of the division of the estate shall be determined by the successors through consultation;
If the consultation fails, the people's mediation committee may mediate or bring a lawsuit to the people's court.
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It depends on the specific situation. If both men and women did not agree that the premarital property should be jointly owned, then the premarital property should belong to their own and can be regarded as inheritance. Legacy is the legal personal property left by a natural person when he dies

According to the provisions of the provisional regulations on deed tax in China, the heir needs to pay deed tax when buying and selling the inherited house, and the deed tax is generally borne by the buyer. The so-called deed tax refers to the transfer of the house or land to the transferee or

Cannot inherit. The right of residence is set up by the owner of the house for the relatives of a specific status relationship, which has the personal specificity. Because of this personal restriction, the right of residence can only be applied to natural persons and cannot be freely transferred and inherited. Once the obligee dies, the right of residence will

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Shanghai Zhengce Law Firm

Kong Lingbin, lawyer, male, graduated from East China University of Political Science and Law with a bachelor's degree in 2007. In 2009, he worked as a full-time lawyer, and his main business scope included commercial real estate, bank insurance and automobile Legal risk prevention of financial and other enterprises (legal affairs involving the company's contract, equity, creditor's rights and debt) ), and has served China Construction Bank (Pudong Branch), Bank of China (Pudong Branch), and China Ping An Property and Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd. (Zhejiang Branch) and other enterprises handled more than 500 cases, He has accumulated rich professional experience. There are successful cases that have been sent back for retrial by the High Court, and the High Court has directly changed the judgment. two thousand and twenty In July 2006, we successfully reached a settlement agreement with a subsidiary of a well-known automobile group for the customer. Before the bankruptcy of the parent company We have recovered all the economic losses for our customers and are highly praised by our customers. In the field of litigation and legal services, he is good at handling various civil and commercial disputes, especially property disputes and company equity Litigation and arbitration of disputes, equity investment and other disputes.

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