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How to judge the dispute case of sales contract

Time: June 24, 2024 label: Contract affairs contract dispute Reading: 861 people
Lawyer's analysis:
Disputes over sales contracts The judgment basis of the court is in accordance with the contract between the two parties.
If the party fails to pay the relevant amount in accordance with the contract, it is a breach of contract and will not be sentenced, but as the breaching party, it shall be liable in accordance with the contract and relevant provisions Liability for breach of contract
Legal basis:
Article 577 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China
If one of the parties fails to perform its contractual obligations or fails to perform its contractual obligations in accordance with the agreement, it shall be liable for breach of contract by continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses.
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It depends on whether your advance payment has customized the goods. If you do not order the goods, the advance payment can generally be returned.

 Lawyer Hu Guirong
Lawyer Hu Guirong
fifteen billion two hundred and eighty-seven million one hundred and thirty-three thousand nine hundred and twelve
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The deposit is non refundable. The parties may agree that one party shall pay a deposit to the other party as security for the creditor's rights. The deposit contract is established when the deposit is actually paid. The amount of the deposit shall be agreed upon by the parties; However, it shall not exceed 20% of the amount of the subject matter of the main contract, and the excess shall not produce

 Lawyer Hu Guirong
Lawyer Hu Guirong
fifteen billion two hundred and eighty-seven million one hundred and thirty-three thousand nine hundred and twelve
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Whether the car can be returned and whether liquidated damages need to be paid depends on the terms of the contract you signed. If there is an agreement, it can be returned. Generally, liquidated damages need to be paid. In Article 585 of the Civil Code, the parties may agree that when one party breaches the contract, it shall

 Lawyer Hu Guirong
Lawyer Hu Guirong
fifteen billion two hundred and eighty-seven million one hundred and thirty-three thousand nine hundred and twelve
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 Lawyer Hu Guirong

Yunnan Aoyang Law Firm

In June 2014, he graduated from the Law School of Southwest University for Nationalities and obtained a double degree in law and finance. At the beginning of 2015, he joined Beijing Yingke (Kunming) Law Firm for internship and practice. In July 2019, he transferred to Yunnan Aoyang Law Firm and is now a partner lawyer of Yunnan Aoyang Law Firm. During his practice, he has successively participated in the handling of several major litigation cases and major non litigation projects. He has rich practical experience and is good at corporate, financial Handling of litigation and non litigation legal affairs such as taxation.

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