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Do you need the ID card of the other party to sue the person who does not repay the money

Time: 2024.02.20 label: Litigation and arbitration Acceptance scope Reading: 862 people
Lawyer's analysis:
1、 Indictment The defendant's name, gender, work unit, address and other information shall be recorded, and the name, address and other information of legal persons or other organizations are not clearly required ID Information can be sued.
2. As long as the plaintiff provides specific and clear information that is enough to distinguish the other party from others, such as name or address, even without the defendant's ID card number, the court should also register according to law Filing a case
3. Although the ID card number is not a necessary condition for filing, it is very helpful for subsequent service, filing and execution. It is recommended to provide an accurate ID card number as far as possible. If it is not available, you can apply to the court after filing the case or Entrusted lawyer Get it from the public security organization.
Legal basis:
Article 121 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China
The bill of complaint shall state the following:
(1) The name, sex, age, nationality, occupation, work unit, address and contact information of the plaintiff, the name and address of the legal person or other organization, and the name, position and contact information of the legal representative or principal person in charge;
(2) Information such as the name, gender, work unit and address of the defendant, and information such as the name and address of the legal person or other organization;
(3) The claim and the facts and reasons on which it is based; (4) Evidence and source of evidence, name and address of witness.
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The complainant shall lodge a complaint with the people's court, which shall file a complaint against a criminal case that meets the conditions for appeal. Only after a criminal case filed with a complaint has been reviewed, if the complaint meets one of the conditions for retrial stipulated in the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, can the case

Only when the conditions for filing a case are met, the court must accept it. Article 108 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, if a party is not satisfied with the order of preservation or advance execution, he may apply for reconsideration once. The execution of the ruling shall not be suspended during the period of reconsideration

Generally speaking, debt disputes belong to civil disputes and do not belong to the scope of cases accepted by the public security organs, so they cannot be handled through the police.

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Zhejiang Rongzhe Law Firm

Director of the Legal Business Department of Zhejiang Rongzhe Law Firm, director of the Lawyers' Law Research Association of Zhejiang Law Society, and legal adviser of Zhejiang Culture Museum, once worked in the Legal Affairs Department of two Fortune Global 500 headquarters. Engaged in the lawyer industry for many years, led the team to handle a large number of cases, and has rich experience in handling contract disputes, criminal defense, corporate legal counsel, property disputes, claims and debt disputes, etc. Understand the legal needs of various enterprises, served as legal counsel for several enterprises, published many papers on legal counsel, and obtained honorary certificates issued by Zhejiang Lawyers Association and Zhejiang Law Society. The law firm resources of a team of 100 lawyers can be mobilized (the largest law firm in Hangzhou Xiacheng District), and the team lawyers have held court sessions in the Supreme People's Court for many times.

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