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If the father fails to repay the arrears, does the child have the responsibility to repay

Time: 2024.02.22 label: marriage and family Inheritance Reading: 1133 people
Lawyer's analysis:
father arrears No, only the children inherit The child needs to bear this responsibility only after the father's inheritance debt If the father does not die, or the child gives up inheritance, the child does not need to bear the debt for the father.
If the father has not died, the debt shall be borne by the father; If the child gives up inheritance, the debt will be repaid by the father's inheritance, or other inheritors heir Repayment.
Legal basis:
Article 1161 of the Civil Code
The successor shall pay off the taxes and debts payable by the decedent according to law to the extent of the actual value of the estate obtained. This restriction does not apply to the part exceeding the actual value of the estate that the heir voluntarily repays.
If a successor waives inheritance, he may not be responsible for paying the taxes and debts that the decedent should pay according to law.
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1. Such as the inheritance of one or both of the husband and wife's deceased parents, or gifts and gifts received by one or both of them at the time of marriage. 2. However, if the decedent indicates in his will that an estate belongs only to the husband or wife, or the donor determines in the gift contract that

1. There is no limitation on the time limit of housing inheritance. Once the housing heir confirms to accept the housing inheritance, the inheritance will be permanently effective. If, after the commencement of housing succession, the successor abandons inheritance, he shall make a written statement of abandonment before the disposition of the estate; No table

1. The testator must have the ability to make a will, that is, if he is a person with full civil capacity; 2. The content of a will is its true declaration of intention. A will must be the true declaration of intention of the testator to dispose of his property, because the true declaration of intention is necessary for the effectiveness of civil acts

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Sichuan Leisheng Law Firm

Lawyer Song Jianjun studied in the Law Department of China University of Political Science and Law in his early years. He is a national third class registered lawyer. He is now the director of Sichuan Leisheng Law Firm. His license number is 15101198710586827. Lawyers have practiced law for 31 years. Before practicing as a lawyer, he had worked in public security organs for many years. Have solid theoretical knowledge of law, comprehensive knowledge of legal practice, and good ability to analyze, judge, and solve practical legal problems. Lawyer Song Jianjun has entered the legal profession since 1986. With a realistic and serious attitude and rigorous and meticulous thinking, he has handled more than 1000 civil, commercial and criminal cases, provided professional legal services for clients, tried his best to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of clients, and accumulated rich experience in litigation and non litigation legal services. He has served as legal counsel for many governments, companies and enterprises. He has successively published dozens of papers at the lawyers' business seminars. Through a variety of flexible non litigation and litigation methods, targeted to provide high-quality solutions for the parties, with the "professional, dedicated, efficient" handling concept to maximize the interests of the parties, and establish a good reputation among the clients and peers. Lawyer Song Jianjun has handled civil and commercial cases such as construction property, creditor's rights and debts, sales contracts, marriage and family, traffic accidents, labor disputes, administrative litigation, foreign-related litigation and criminal cases. He has rich practical experience in serving as legal adviser of government, companies and enterprises. Work address: Room 1304, Building A, Taiye Beicheng Plaza, No. 1, Shuangjing Road, Chenghua District, Chengdu, Sichuan

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