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  • The specific investigation methods are: 1. The public security organ can find out where the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet through the IP address of the operator, and then determine which computer or mobile terminal the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet, so as to detect. 2. Whoever, for the purpose of making profits, provides conditions for gambling, or participates in gambling with a relatively large sum of money, shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.
    #Case handling process View: 2147465533
  • Fixed deposits can be withdrawn even if they are not due after death. 1. If the account of the deceased has not been cancelled, you can withdraw money from the bank with the ID card of the deceased and the ID card of the person taking the money on behalf. 2. If the account of the deceased person has been cancelled, when the deposit is due, withdrawal will be made on the due date, and no ID card is required.
    #Family disputes View: 2147465481
newest NEW marriage and family criminal defense traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts Contract affairs Damages



Those who misappropriate public funds for illegal or profit-making activities may face criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment depending on the amount of money and whether it is returned. For example, if the amount of misappropriating public funds for personal use or profit-making activities is more than 15000 yuan but less than 30000 yuan, the benchmark punishment is criminal detention; If the amount is 30000 yuan, the benchmark punishment is six months' imprisonment
#Latest Liaoning Tieling



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From question: Loan disputes?
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#Latest Liaoning Tieling



Hello, the personal property before marriage does not belong to the joint property of the husband and wife. If the child is raised by the wife, the man needs to pay maintenance fees
#Marriage and family Liaoning Tieling



Those who misappropriate public funds for illegal or profit-making activities may face criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment depending on the amount of money and whether it is returned. For example, if the amount of misappropriating public funds for personal use or profit-making activities is more than 15000 yuan but less than 30000 yuan, the benchmark punishment is criminal detention; If the amount is 30000 yuan, the benchmark punishment is six months' imprisonment
#Criminal defence Liaoning Tieling



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#Criminal defence Liaoning Tieling



Hello, a criminal offence needs to bear criminal responsibility. The crime of helping information network criminal activities is sentenced in less than three years. The specific sentencing should be based on the actual situation of the case. What stage has your case reached first? What is the behavior? Is there any profit plot? What is an upstream crime? Helping the crime of information network criminal activity can win probation, but it also needs to meet the conditions of probation. Your description of the case is vague. If you need professional and targeted help, you can describe the case in detail.
#Criminal defence Liaoning Tieling



Crime. Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China Article 237? Whoever acts indecently against another person or insults a woman by violence, coercion or other forced means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention. Whoever gathers a crowd or commits the crime mentioned in the preceding paragraph in public in a public place, or if there are other serious circumstances, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years. Whoever molests a child shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years; Whoever falls under any of the following circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years: (1) Indecent to more than one child or repeatedly; (2) Gather people to molest children, or molest children in public in public places, to a flagrant extent; (3) Causing child injury or other serious consequences; (4) The means of indecency are abominable or there are other abominable circumstances.
#Criminal defence Liaoning Tieling



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#Traffic accident Liaoning Tieling



If you need a professional lawyer, please contact me. Regulations on Road Traffic Accident Handling Procedures Article 46 The traffic control department of the public security organ shall determine the responsibility of the parties according to the role their acts have played in the occurrence of road traffic accidents and the seriousness of their faults. (1) If a road traffic accident is caused by the fault of one party, it shall bear full responsibility; (2) If a road traffic accident occurs due to the fault of two or more parties, they shall bear the primary responsibility, equal responsibility and secondary responsibility respectively according to the effect of their actions on the accident and the severity of the fault; (3) Each party has no fault that causes road traffic accidents. If it is a traffic accident, neither party is responsible. If one party intentionally causes a road traffic accident, the other party shall not be liable. The provincial public security organ may, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, formulate specific rules or standards for determining the responsibility for road traffic accidents.
#Traffic accident Liaoning Tieling



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From question: Loan disputes?
#Creditor's rights and debts Liaoning Tieling



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#Creditor's rights and debts Liaoning Tieling



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#Contract affairs Liaoning Tieling



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#Damages Liaoning Tieling
marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • According to Chinese law, the legal age of marriage for women shall not be less than 20 years old. To register for marriage, you need to prepare detailed information and follow the procedures. First, both parties need to provide valid ID cards, household registers and recent bareheaded photos. Then, go to the local marriage registration office to submit an application and fill in the marriage registration form. After verification, get the marriage certificate and complete the marriage registration. In this process, both parties need to ensure that the information is true, legal, and willing to marry, so that they can successfully enter the marriage palace.
    2024-07-02 10:33:00 Number of helpers: 1935
  • The division of property after marriage follows the principle of fairness to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of both parties. The common property shall be divided equally, taking into account the contribution and care of children and women's rights and interests. Personal property shall belong to each other and shall not be infringed upon. The division shall be negotiated, and if it is impossible to negotiate, it can resort to law. The above principles are aimed at maintaining the stability and fairness of marital property relations.
    2024-07-02 10:30:00 Number of helpers: 1667
  • Suggestions on the settlement of marital property disputes: the man's personal property, the woman's exclusive right to use it, and the ruling should be made together when the marriage breaks down. The husband's family property is shared by the wife's family and can be mediated in case of breakdown; If they fail to do so, they will not be subject to substantive disposal, and the parties will be informed to handle the dispute separately as an independent case.
    2024-07-02 10:30:00 Number of helpers: 1428
  • Legal consequences of violating the maintenance obligation: If the adult children have the ability to support but refuse to perform, the parents can request the implementation and payment of maintenance through judicial means, which may lead to the redistribution of property. Those who neglect or violate their maintenance obligations, if the circumstances are serious, may constitute the crime of abandonment and face fixed-term imprisonment, detention or public surveillance of less than five years.
    2024-07-02 10:18:00 Number of helpers: 1455
  • According to Article 67 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the conditions for obtaining a guarantor pending trial include: 1. Those who may be sentenced to public surveillance, detention or independent supplementary punishment; 2. Those who have been sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or more, but whose obtaining a guarantee does not harm society; 3. Women who are seriously ill, unable to take care of themselves, or pregnant or breast-feeding, and are insured harmless; 4. Those who need to obtain a guarantor to ensure the proceeding of the lawsuit before the expiration of the detention period.
    2024-07-03 11:51:00 Number of helpers: 1249
  • According to Article 264 of the Criminal Law of China, those who steal a large amount of money (such as 10000 yuan) will face up to three years of imprisonment, detention or control, and a fine. 10000 yuan is usually regarded as a large amount. The specific term of imprisonment and fine shall be determined by the court. Those who steal 10000 yuan may be sentenced to imprisonment of not more than three years, detention or control, and may also be fined.
    2024-07-03 11:51:00 Number of helpers: 1748
  • According to Article 71 of the Criminal Procedure Law, a person who has obtained a guarantor pending trial must abide by the regulations and must not leave his residence without permission, interfere with witnesses or forge evidence. The violator may be confiscated of the deposit, placed under residential surveillance or even arrested. Before the court session, the person on bail is usually not detained in the detention center, except for those who need to be arrested for violating the rules.
    2024-07-03 11:51:00 Number of helpers: 1933
  • According to Article 73 of the Criminal Procedure Law, those who are law-abiding during the period of obtaining a guarantor pending trial may, upon expiration of the period, receive a deposit by presenting a notice of cancellation or a legal document. Although the law does not provide for immediate return, it can be obtained at any time in theory, which needs to meet the conditions and procedures. In practice, the bank or relevant institutions may immediately handle the return, and the specific receipt on the same day depends on the implementation process and bank efficiency.
    2024-07-03 11:51:00 Number of helpers: 1464
  • Generally, when a worker voluntarily proposes to resign, the employer does not have the obligation to provide economic compensation. This is because resignation is a voluntary choice made by workers, not a dismissal or contract termination caused by employers. Therefore, in the case that the employee voluntarily proposes to resign, unless otherwise agreed by both parties, the employer does not need to pay the economic compensation related to the termination of the contract. This is based on the general principles of the Labor Law, aiming to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of both labor and management and the principle of fair trade.
    2024-07-02 10:30:00 Number of helpers: 1301
  • If the employer fails to pay the employee compensation on time, the non competition agreement will automatically become invalid. If the payment is stopped after the part has been paid, the employee has the right to urge in writing. After being urged to do so, if the employer still fails to pay, the employee can be exempted from the obligation of non competition and does not need to return the compensation received. This action protects the rights and interests of employees, ensures the timeliness of compensation payment, and maintains the fairness and effectiveness of the non competition agreement.
    2024-07-02 10:30:00 Number of helpers: 1512
  • Suzhou's new regulations on salary tax deduction: the threshold is 5000 yuan, and the tax rate is calculated according to the official tax rate table. The tax rate of salary is 0% for 1000-5000 yuan, 3% for 5000-8000 yuan, 10% for 8000-17000 yuan, 20% for 17000-30000 yuan, and 25% for 30000-40000 yuan.
    2024-07-02 10:18:00 Number of helpers: 1732
  • Under the labor law environment, if no labor contract is signed, the worker should ask the employer to sign it immediately, and the employer has the responsibility to sign a labor contract with the employee. If the employer fails to fulfill this obligation, the employee has the right to ask for double pay after working for one month.
    2024-07-02 10:06:00 Number of helpers: 1875
  • Traffic accident crimes violate traffic laws and regulations, causing serious casualties or property losses. According to Article 133 of the Criminal Law, criminals can be sentenced to imprisonment or detention of up to three years. Those who escape or have bad circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years. Those who escape and cause death will face more than seven years of imprisonment.
    2024-07-03 11:30:00 Number of helpers: 1172
  • According to Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the trial of traffic accident public prosecution cases generally does not exceed three months. Complex or special cases can be extended upon approval. The trial period shall be recalculated after the change of jurisdiction or supplementary investigation. The specific trial time depends on the case and the court's progress.
    2024-07-03 11:21:00 Number of helpers: 1966
  • According to Article 91 of the Criminal Procedure Law of China, after a drunk driver is detained, the public security organ usually applies to the procuratorate for arrest within three days of the expiration of the detention period, which can be extended to seven days under special circumstances. The procuratorate shall decide whether to arrest or not within seven days. Generally, the total number of days of detention for drunk drivers does not exceed seven days, except for special circumstances.
    2024-07-03 11:15:00 Number of helpers: 1085
  • According to Article 107 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, the date of signature or seal of the service receipt is the date of service of legal documents, which marks the start of case filing and investigation. After the case filing decision is served, the procedure will start, but the specific time limit varies with the case and the difficulty of obtaining evidence. The detailed time regulations shall refer to relevant laws and regulations or judicial interpretations.
    2024-07-03 11:12:00 Number of helpers: 1388
  • In the face of unpaid loans from relatives, creditors can take a variety of effective recovery methods. First, friendly communication can be made to clarify the repayment plan. If it is invalid, you can remind in writing or seek legal means, such as prosecution or mediation. At the same time, it is very important to retain the evidence of borrowing to ensure that the rights and interests are not damaged.
    2024-07-02 10:30:00 Number of helpers: 1788
  • The limitation of action for loan cases is three years. The limitation period shall be calculated from the date when the parties know or should know that the rights and interests of the debtor are damaged. However, it should be noted that the court will no longer protect such claims if it has been more than 20 years since the date of impairment of rights and interests. Therefore, creditors should exercise their rights in a timely manner so as not to miss the limitation of action, which will lead to the failure of legal protection of their rights and interests. In a loan transaction, both parties shall clearly agree on the repayment period and retain relevant evidence to prove their rights and responsibilities when necessary.
    2024-07-02 10:15:00 Number of helpers: 1127
  • The law stipulates that the limitation of action is generally three years. If the IOU does not specify the repayment period, it is deemed that both parties have different understanding. If there is evidence proving the exercise of rights, the limitation of action shall be recalculated; If there is no evidence, the twenty year limitation applies. A lawsuit can be filed within 20 years from the loan behavior, but if the lawsuit or request is filed more than three years after the first claim, the right to win will be lost.
    2024-07-02 10:15:00 Number of helpers: 1482
  • If the online loan is overdue for three years, you can file a lawsuit to the court. However, attention should be paid to the limitation of action. If the borrower does not raise an objection, the court will accept the creditor's lawsuit. Creditors can safeguard their interests by sending a call notice or reaching a new repayment agreement. Affirming debts with signature or seal, or reaching a new agreement, can make creditor's rights and debts protected by law. Creditors shall safeguard their rights according to law.
    2024-07-02 10:03:00 Number of helpers: 2010
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