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  • The specific investigation methods are: 1. The public security organ can find out where the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet through the IP address of the operator, and then determine which computer or mobile terminal the people who participate in mobile phone gambling are surfing the Internet, so as to detect. 2. Whoever, for the purpose of making profits, provides conditions for gambling, or participates in gambling with a relatively large sum of money, shall be detained for not more than five days or fined not more than 500 yuan.
    #Case handling process View: 2147465533
  • Fixed deposits can be withdrawn even if they are not due after death. 1. If the account of the deceased has not been cancelled, you can withdraw money from the bank with the ID card of the deceased and the ID card of the person taking the money on behalf. 2. If the account of the deceased person has been cancelled, when the deposit is due, withdrawal will be made on the due date, and no ID card is required.
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marriage and family criminal defense Labor disputes traffic accident Creditor's rights and debts
  • During criminal detention, family members, especially minor children, usually cannot visit directly, mainly to maintain investigation order and prevent risks. This measure is necessary for the judicial process. Limiting contact helps to ensure the smooth progress of investigation. However, under special circumstances, special visits may be arranged after strict approval.
    2024-09-24 15:28:00 Number of helpers: 1299
  • When dealing with theft between cohabiting partners, the following aspects need to be carefully examined: First, determine whether the property is jointly owned. If it is jointly owned, it is difficult to determine that the behavior of one party constitutes theft. Secondly, if the property is not jointly owned, it needs to be proved that the property is owned by one party alone and the other party has the intention of illegal possession. In addition, the amount of theft is also a key factor. If the amount is large or occurs frequently, even between partners, it is easy to be identified as a crime.
    2024-09-24 12:44:00 Number of helpers: 1744
  • When encountering the criminal detention of the husband, don't panic first, and calm down. You can arrange your life first. You should go to work and take care of children. Then you should learn about the case as soon as possible, such as what crime your husband committed, how he was arrested, and what detention center he is currently being held in. You can obtain this information by consulting a lawyer or a detention center. If you have financial difficulties, such as having no money to hire a lawyer or pay for the detention center, you can use your savings first, or ask relatives and friends to borrow some money. You should pay more attention to the children, give them enough love and security, let them know that although their parents have an accident, they still love them, and will not ignore them. You should know that criminal detention is just a coercive measure, not that your husband must be guilty. When the case comes to the court, it will be heard according to legal procedures. What you need to do now is to believe in the law and your husband's innocence, and then actively cooperate with the lawyer to help him.
    2024-09-23 17:52:00 Number of helpers: 1631
  • If someone finds an abducted child but still chooses to buy it, they may commit the crime of buying the abducted child. This kind of behavior not only violates children's personal freedom and dignity, but also brings great trauma to children and their original families. In judicial practice, the judge will determine criminal responsibility according to the specific circumstances and consequences of the case. If the perpetrators do not mistreat the abducted children or hinder the rescue work, they may be given a mitigated punishment. In short, we should actively support the action against child trafficking and protect the legitimate rights and interests of children.
    2024-09-22 14:52:00 Number of helpers: 1363
  • The deposit is usually confiscated because the guarantor pending trial violates the relevant laws and regulations, such as failing to arrive at the designated place on time to accept the execution, interfering with witnesses, destroying or forging evidence, etc. If this happens, the deposit will be turned over to the national treasury in accordance with the law. This can maintain the authority, fairness and justice of the law and give necessary and appropriate punishment and warning to violators.
    2024-09-24 18:38:00 Number of helpers: 1643
  • To obtain a guarantor pending trial, it is necessary to meet the conditions and provide materials: it is necessary to find a qualified guarantor and pay a deposit. The guarantor must have a stable place of residence and a source of income; It may explain the reasons for obtaining a guarantor pending trial and the guarantee commitment, such as assisting in investigation, prosecution and trial; It is also necessary to provide evidentiary materials that are free from the risk of absconding and do not hinder the proceedings.
    2024-09-24 18:38:00 Number of helpers: 1286
  • The filing and trial time of the crime of dangerous driving are determined according to different circumstances. Generally speaking, the public security organ will immediately file a case for investigation after finding a criminal clue, and then transfer the case to the procuratorial organ for review. The review period for ordinary cases is one month. If the situation is complicated, it can be extended for 15 days. The court will determine the trial time according to the complexity of the case and the work arrangement. For a case of summary procedure, it will generally be concluded within 20 days. If the case's fixed-term imprisonment exceeds three years, it can be extended to one and a half months.
    2024-09-24 18:38:00 Number of helpers: 1244
  • When detainees are detained and arrested, they need to clearly understand that this does not necessarily mean that they will be sentenced. The purpose of criminal detention and arrest is to maintain the proceeding, not the final punishment. Whether or not to go to prison ultimately depends on the specific circumstances of the case and judicial procedures. In the stage of examination and prosecution, if the evidence is insufficient or the circumstances are minor, the procuratorial organ may decide not to prosecute. At the trial stage, the court will decide guilt or innocence and the severity of punishment based on sufficient evidence and legal provisions.
    2024-09-24 18:38:00 Number of helpers: 1938
  • The salary arrears of the company may not lead to the criminal detention of the management personnel, but if the circumstances are serious and meet the conditions, they may be liable. For example, if managers deliberately transfer the company's assets, abscond, deliberately delay or refuse to pay a large amount of wages, ignoring the repeated orders of the government, they may be accused of refusing to pay labor remuneration and face criminal detention.
    2024-09-24 17:26:00 Number of helpers: 1582
  • Whether the crime of dangerous driving will be dismissed depends on the specific circumstances. Generally speaking, employees of public institutions may be punished more severely, or even dismissed, because they need to comply with regulations and maintain their image. However, whether an employee of an ordinary enterprise is dismissed depends on the rules and regulations of the enterprise. If a criminal act is listed as an exception to the termination of the labor contract, it may be dismissed; If not, it is not certain.
    2024-09-22 13:38:00 Number of helpers: 1410
  • When the enterprise is faced with dissolution, the social security affairs of employees must be handled in accordance with the law. The enterprise shall go through the formalities for the suspension of social insurance for employees before dissolution, and give priority to the repayment of employees' salaries and social insurance expenses during liquidation. According to the provisions of the Social Insurance Law, the employer shall handle social insurance registration for employees within 30 days after employment, otherwise the cost shall be approved by the social insurance agency. After the dissolution of the enterprise, employees can choose to pay their own social insurance, or the new unit can continue to take over.
    2024-09-21 18:36:00 Number of helpers: 1900
  • When an enterprise is dissolved, it must properly handle the problem of pregnant female workers. According to the law, pregnant women have the right to economic compensation. The compensation standard is determined according to the length of service. After one year of service, one month's salary will be compensated. If the service life is less than one year but more than six months, it shall be calculated as one year; If it is less than six months, half a month's salary will be compensated. At the same time, the legitimate rights and interests of pregnant women during pregnancy, childbirth and lactation should be protected. If the dissolution of the enterprise causes pregnant women unable to enjoy maternity allowance and maternity leave benefits, the enterprise needs to make compensation.
    2024-09-21 17:44:00 Number of helpers: 1190
  • The person who causes an accident due to drunk driving is generally detained for no more than 37 days, which is only a temporary compulsory measure. The confirmation and sentencing of their crimes need to be evaluated by comprehensively considering the specific circumstances and evidence of the case. They may be charged with dangerous driving or causing traffic accidents. In judicial practice, if the circumstances are relatively minor, the term of imprisonment may be relatively short; However, if the circumstances are very bad, resulting in serious casualties or huge property losses, the sentencing will be aggravated.
    2024-09-24 17:36:00 Number of helpers: 1978
  • In the case of drunk driving without causing an accident, if the circumstances are minor and the suspect is sincere and shows repentance, he may not be subject to severe punishment of criminal detention. In addition, if the suspect is seriously ill and the environment of the detention center may be adverse to his health, the detention measures can also be suspended according to the situation. While cracking down on drunk driving, the law also shows concern for human nature. It will flexibly adjust punishment measures according to the actual situation to ensure the harmony and unity of judicial justice and humanistic spirit.
    2024-09-24 17:12:00 Number of helpers: 1920
  • The constitutive elements of the crime of dangerous driving are not limited to driving when the blood alcohol concentration reaches 80mg/100ml! This includes many aspects. For example, driving a school bus or a bus over the speed limit, causing serious consequences; There are also illegal transportation of dangerous chemicals, endangering public safety, and seriously threatening the safety of public life and property, which belong to the category of dangerous driving crime. So, everyone must obey the traffic rules, drive safely, and don't touch the legal red line!
    2024-09-24 16:38:00 Number of helpers: 1519
  • Drunken drivers will be strictly managed after being detained. They need to register for physical examination to ensure that their basic living needs are met. At the same time, they will also have regular work and rest time to help them balance their body and mind. In addition, the communication right of drunk drivers will be reserved to respect their right to communicate with the outside world. In this process, the drunk driving lawsuit will enter the legal process, and the judicial department will conduct in-depth investigation, prosecution and trial.
    2024-09-24 16:32:00 Number of helpers: 1549
  • The unauthorized use of property to repay debts without the consent of the property holder, although this does not directly constitute robbery, has actually violated the property rights of others, and may also involve other illegal acts. To judge whether this act constitutes a robbery crime, the key lies in the use of violence, threats and other means, so that the holder cannot or dare not resist, and is forced to hand over property. Even if this act is not recognized as robbery, it does not mean that it is acceptable. In this case, the debt problem should be solved through legal means, such as litigation.
    2024-09-24 17:26:00 Number of helpers: 1699
  • Generally, simple arrears do not constitute criminal detention. However, a malicious overdraft of a credit card may constitute a crime of credit card fraud and face criminal detention if the bank's two written collections exceed three months and the amount is more than or equal to 50000 yuan. Malicious overdraft refers to the act of exceeding the limit of overdraft and refusing to return for the purpose of illegal possession. It should be noted that "Refusal to return" here not only includes deliberate failure to return after "exceeding the specified limit or period", but also includes failure to return after three months of collection.
    2024-09-24 16:20:00 Number of helpers: 1235
  • Whether credit card arrears constitute a crime of fraud should be comprehensively judged from the subjective intent and objective behavior of the debtor. If the debtor knows that he/she is unable to repay, and still overdraws in large amount, which makes the debt unable to repay, or squanders the overdraft funds so that it cannot be recovered, or evades collection after overdraft, or transfers assets to avoid debt, or uses the overdraft funds for criminal activities, or illegally occupies and refuses to repay, it may constitute a crime of credit card fraud. However, if the debtor is really unable to repay the debt due to objective reasons, such as sudden serious illness, unemployment, etc., then it does not constitute a crime of credit card fraud.
    2024-09-24 11:12:00 Number of helpers: 1672
  • If someone does not pay back the money, they will not be punished for embezzlement. The crime of embezzlement refers to the crime of taking someone else's property, lost or buried property, and not paying back the large amount of money. Debt default is a civil dispute, which can only be recovered through civil litigation. Evidence, such as contracts, transfer records and chat records, should be prepared to prove the existence of debit and credit relationships and the fact of arrears.
    2024-09-23 18:06:00 Number of helpers: 1590
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