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 Crime of misappropriating public funds

Crime of misappropriating public funds

Today, we will introduce some knowledge about the crime of misappropriation of public funds to you. What are the behaviors of misappropriation of public funds, and what is the definition of misappropriation of public funds in the criminal law!

2023.09.01 576100 people read

Judicial Interpretation of the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds

Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Law in the Trial of Cases of Misappropriation of Public Funds

In order to punish the crime of misappropriation of public funds according to law criminal law The relevant provisions of the Law on the specific application of laws in handling cases of misappropriation of public funds are explained as follows:

Article 1 As stipulated in Article 384 of the Criminal Law, "Misappropriating public funds for personal use" includes the use of the misappropriator himself or for others.

Those who misappropriate public funds for use by private companies and enterprises belong to those who misappropriate public funds for personal use.

Article 2 Right Crime of misappropriating public funds It should be identified according to three different situations:

(1) Misappropriating public funds for personal use, if the amount is relatively large and has not been repaid for more than three months, it constitutes the crime of misappropriating public funds.

Those who misappropriate public funds that are bearing interest or need to pay interest for personal use, if the amount is relatively large, but the principal is returned in full after three months, may be given a lighter punishment or exempted from punishment. The interest losses caused to the state and the collective shall be recovered. Those who misappropriate a huge amount of public funds, more than three months, and return all of them before the crime, may be given a lighter punishment according to the circumstances.


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Crime of misappropriating public funds

? The crime of misappropriating public funds refers to a crime committed by a state functionary who, by taking advantage of his position, misappropriates public funds for personal use, carries out illegal activities, or misappropriates a large amount of public funds for profit-making activities, or misappropriates a large amount of public funds and fails to return it after three months, thus constituting a crime.


The prosecution period of the crime of misappropriation of public funds

At present, there are different opinions on the time limit for prosecution of the crime of misappropriation of public funds in theory: One view is that the behavior of this crime is the combination of "appropriation" and "use", and it can be used in public During the period when funds are out of legal control, the act of misappropriation is actually in a continuous state, so the crime of misappropriation of public funds belongs to a continuous crime (or a continuous crime), so the prosecution period of the crime of misappropriation of public funds should be brought from the case of misappropriation litigation Or line It is calculated from the date when the public funds are returned automatically; Another view is that after the public funds have been appropriated, the criminal act has constituted an accomplishment, and the state of public funds losing control is not the continuation of the criminal act, but the continuation of the illegal state, so The crime of misappropriation of public funds belongs to an act crime, and the time limit for prosecution shall be calculated from the date of transfer. In fact, the difference between the two views lies in whether the crime of misappropriation of public funds is a continuing crime or a behavioral crime.


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Probation of the crime of misappropriating public funds

Crime of misappropriating public funds probation What are the conditions of

One is being sentenced criminal detention Or less than three years fixed-term imprisonment ;

The second is that the criminals do show repentance, and the court believes that if they are not detained, they will not harm the society again;

Third, the criminals are not recidivism And the ringleaders of criminal groups.

The amount of misappropriation of 500000 yuan is huge. If there are no other lighter circumstances, it is difficult to sentence him less than three years, and it is difficult to apply probation.


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Commutation of sentence for the crime of misappropriating public funds

1、 Crime of misappropriating public funds Commutation conditions

(1) Object conditions

Commutation is only applicable to sentenced persons control Criminals of criminal detention, fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment. This means that only punishment The type of restriction, but not the length of the sentence and the nature of the crime. As long as a criminal is sentenced to one of the four penalties mentioned above, no matter whether his criminal act is intentional or unpremeditated crime Is it a felony or a misdemeanor? Yes Crime of endangering national security Or something else criminal offence If the statutory conditions for commutation are met, the sentence can be commuted.

(2) Substantive conditions

The essential condition of commutation of sentence refers to the fact that the sentenced person has shown true repentance or meritorious service in the process of executing the penalty. According to the criminal law of our country, commutation can be divided into two situations: commutation can be achieved and commutation should be achieved. The former is relative commutation, while the latter is absolute commutation.


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Consultation on the crime of misappropriation of public funds

Is there a second trial for the crime of misappropriation of funds

 Law chart Jining

Law Chart Jining Lawyer Recent reply:

Resolution: The term of imprisonment for the crime of misappropriation of funds is usually determined according to the seriousness of the circumstances of the crime. In general, if the perpetrator has committed a large amount of misappropriation of funds and has not returned them, he will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years or criminal detention; If the perpetrator involved in the misappropriation of funds is extremely large, or there are other serious circumstances, he will face a punishment of more than three years or less than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment. Of course, if the perpetrator uses the misappropriated funds for illegal activities, or the amount involved reaches a particularly large standard, they may face more severe criminal sanctions. Legal basis: Article 272, Paragraph 1, of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, where a staff member of a company, enterprise or other unit, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates the funds of his own unit for his own use or lends them to others, and the amount is relatively large, but it has not been repaid for more than three months, or although it has not been more than three months, the amount is relatively large, and he conducts profit-making activities, or conducts illegal activities, Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; Whoever misappropriates a huge amount of the funds of his own unit, or does not return them if the amount is relatively large, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years

What is the time determination of the crime of misappropriation of public funds

 Perimeter of nomogram

Lawyer Zhou Kou Recent reply:

Resolution: First of all, in the case of "misappropriated funds have not been returned for more than three months", the reference to "three months" should be calculated from the day when the actual performance of the misappropriation ended. Once the property is out of the control of the company, all rights of the company to the fund, including possession, use and benefit, have been damaged or infringed. Secondly, on the issue of "misappropriated funds that have not been returned for more than three months", we believe that the deadline should be the date when the funds were actually returned. Legal basis: Article 384 of the Criminal Law Any State functionary who, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates public funds for his personal use and carries out illegal activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds for profit-making activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds and fails to repay it after three months, shall be guilty of misappropriating public funds and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years. Whoever misappropriates a huge amount of public funds and does not return it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment. Whoever misappropriates funds and goods used for disaster relief, emergency rescue, flood control, special care, poverty alleviation, migration and relief for his own use shall be given a heavier punishment.

Is the legal person responsible for the crime of misappropriating funds

 Lutu Urumqi

Law Chart Lawyer in Urumqi Recent reply:

Resolution: The crime of misappropriating funds is a serious criminal act, and the enterprise legal person itself does not need to bear criminal responsibility directly. However, if an employee who holds a management position or is engaged in related work within an enterprise legal person, by taking advantage of his position, privately misappropriates his own funds for other purposes, and the amount is relatively large, which has not been returned for more than three months; Or, although less than three months, a relatively large amount is used for profit-making activities; Or in the case of illegal activities, these actors may be convicted of the crime of misappropriating funds. Although the enterprise legal person itself does not need to bear criminal responsibility directly, it must bear the corresponding responsibility for the omission of its own internal management and the defect of its internal control mechanism. The enterprise legal person should be committed to building a sound internal management system to prevent the misappropriation of funds. At the same time, once such acts are found, effective measures should be taken immediately to avoid further expansion of losses. Legal basis: Article 272 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, where a staff member of a company, enterprise or other unit, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates the funds of his own unit for his own use or lends them to others in a relatively large amount, which has not been repaid for more than three months, or, although not more than three months, which is relatively large in amount, carries out profit-making activities, or carries out illegal activities, Sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention; Whoever misappropriates a huge amount of funds of his unit shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years; If the amount is especially huge, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than seven years. If a person who is engaged in public service in a State owned company, enterprise or other State owned unit or a person who is assigned by a State owned company, enterprise or other State owned unit to a company, enterprise or other unit that is not owned by the State to engage in public service commits the act mentioned in the preceding paragraph, he shall be convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 384 of this Law. Whoever commits the act mentioned in the first paragraph and returns the misappropriated funds before initiating a public prosecution may be given a lighter or mitigated punishment. Where the crime is relatively minor, the punishment may be mitigated or exempted Article 384 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, a State functionary who, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates public funds for personal use for illegal activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds for profit-making activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds and fails to repay them after more than three months, is guilty of misappropriating public funds and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years. Whoever misappropriates a huge amount of public funds and does not return it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment. Whoever misappropriates funds and goods used for disaster relief, emergency rescue, flood control, special care, poverty alleviation, migration and relief for personal use shall be given a heavier punishment

What is the filing standard of the crime of legal person misappropriating funds

 Lvtu Heihe River

Law Tu Heihe Lawyer Recent reply:

Resolution: The criteria for filing and examining the criminal act of misappropriation of funds are: if the party concerned has used the internal funds of the company or institution without authorization, the amount of the funds has reached 10000 to 30000 yuan, and this part of the funds has not been returned within a specific three consecutive months; Or use the internal funds of the company or institution without authorization between 5000 yuan and 20000 yuan, and involve various illegal activities in this process, then such acts will be deemed to be suspected of constituting the crime of misappropriation of funds. Legal basis: Article 84 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on the Criteria for Filing and Prosecution of Criminal Cases under the Jurisdiction of Public Security Organs (II) Personnel of companies, enterprises or other units who, taking advantage of their positions, illegally take possession of their own property, and the amount is between 5000 yuan and 10000 yuan or more, shall be prosecuted. Article 85 Any employee of a company, enterprise or other unit who, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates the funds of his own unit for personal use or lends them to others and is suspected of one of the following circumstances shall be prosecuted: (1) Misappropriating the funds of the unit in the amount of 10000 yuan to 30000 yuan or more, and failing to repay them for more than three months; (2) Misappropriating the funds of the unit in the amount of 10000 yuan to 30000 yuan or more for profit-making activities; (3) Misappropriating the funds of the unit between 5000 yuan and 20000 yuan for illegal activities.

What are the subjective elements of the crime of misappropriation of public funds


Lawyer Recent reply:

Resolution: The subjective elements of the crime of misappropriation of public funds must be based on the intentional psychological state. The crime of misappropriating public funds specifically refers to that the state functionaries use their positions to misappropriate public funds for personal purposes and engage in illegal activities without authorization. In addition, if a large amount of public funds is misappropriated or related profit-making activities are carried out, it may also constitute a crime; Moreover, if the amount of misappropriation of public funds is large and it is still not returned after three months, it can also be regarded as a crime. Legal basis: Article 384 of the Criminal Law Any State functionary who, taking advantage of his position, misappropriates public funds for his personal use and carries out illegal activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds for profit-making activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds and fails to repay it after three months, shall be guilty of misappropriating public funds and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention; If the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years. Whoever misappropriates a huge amount of public funds and does not return it shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment. Whoever misappropriates funds and goods used for disaster relief, emergency rescue, flood control, special care, poverty alleviation, migration and relief for his own use shall be given a heavier punishment.

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