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 Application for industrial injury appraisal

Application for industrial injury appraisal

The application for industrial injury appraisal is a kind of document needed for the industrial injury appraisal procedure. Generally, whoever wants to apply for industrial injury appraisal should submit an application for industrial injury appraisal to the appraisal agency. The law chart introduces you to the knowledge related to the application for industrial injury appraisal.

2023.09.21 35465 people read

Model application for industrial injury appraisal

Application for industrial injury appraisal model

Applicant: ×××, sex ×, born on ××××××××××××××, nationality ×, living in ××× Street, ××× City, ID No.: ×××, employee of ×× Company. Contact number:.

Respondent: ×× Company, address: ××××××××.

: ××× Position:

Request: Request to legally determine that the applicant was injured at (time) Injury on-the-Job


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How to write the application for industrial injury appraisal

Model application for industrial injury appraisal

Applicant: ×××, gender: ×, born on ×××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××. Contact number:.

Respondent: ×× Company, address: ××××××××.

Legal representative: ××× Post:

Request: Request to legally identify the applicant's injury at ××× (time) as an industrial injury.


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Encyclopedia related to application for industrial injury appraisal

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  •  Application for industrial injury appraisal

    Application for industrial injury appraisal

    The application for industrial injury appraisal is a kind of document needed for the industrial injury appraisal procedure. Generally, whoever wants to apply for industrial injury appraisal should submit an application for industrial injury appraisal to the appraisal agency. The law chart introduces workers for you

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Consultation on application for industrial injury appraisal

How do you write the power of attorney of the legal representative

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

_______The legal representative of the limited company * * * authorizes the executive general manager * * * (ID card __________) of our company as the plenipotentiary representative of our company to handle the specific work of _______ on behalf of our company, sign relevant documents, agreements, contracts and handle all matters related to this transfer activity. The authentic signature is shown at the end of this power of attorney. Our company is fully responsible for the signature of the authorized person. The authorization period is 3 months, and the documents signed by the authorized person (signed within the validity period of the power of attorney) will not become invalid due to the revocation and expiration of the authorization. The authorized person has no right to delegate. Signature:_______________ Authorized person (seal)_________ Legal representative (seal)_______ Signature of client_____________ ________MM/DD/YY

How do you write a model application for labor relations arbitration

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

Applicant: Mr. Pan, Han nationality, born on August 1, 1966, with address of Group 9, Yaozhuang Village, XX Town, XX County, Hubei Province. contact number: Respondent: Hebei XX Construction Engineering Co., Ltd., address: No. 000, Hengshan West Road, Zhengding County, Hebei Legal representative: Han XX Contact number: Request: Request to confirm that there is a factual labor relationship between the applicant and the respondent. Facts and reasons: The applicant came to the construction site of Hebei XX Engineering Co., Ltd. in Xinhua District, Shijiazhuang City to work on May 23, 2011 through the introduction of fellow villagers. On the morning of June 7, 2011, when he went to work and walked to the basement door of the construction site, Zhang XX, the monitor, asked the applicant to clean the basement formwork, and then asked the applicant to pry the formwork off the wall after cleaning, In the process of prying, he fell off the iron pipe with too much force, and was immediately sent to Hebei People's Hospital by the workmates. After the diagnosis of Hebei People's Hospital, it was confirmed that the applicant constituted a lumbar fracture. After the accident, he stopped contact with the applicant after paying the hospital RMB 00 on the site. The applicant has repeatedly contacted the person in charge of the construction site, Manager Lu, who said that the injury and hospitalization of the applicant had nothing to do with the fall injury on the construction site. The applicant has failed to negotiate with him for many times. Because he is unable to bear the heavy medical expenses, he has to go home to recuperate. To sum up, the applicant was injured while working on the construction site undertaken by the respondent, and the applicant should perform the management and safety guarantee obligations for the project contracted by him. Therefore, the applicant and the respondent have formed a de facto labor relationship. In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the applicant, the applicant hereby applies to your committee for confirmation of labor relations. Sincerely XXX Labor Arbitration Commission Applicant: Pan XX MM/DD/YYYY

How do you write the power of attorney of the chairman of the company

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

The trustor is a director of the company. Now, the trustor specially authorizes to act as the agent of the trustor to attend the board meeting of the company on external financing and guarantee matters, and vote on the above matters. The client agrees with the agent's signature and vote on the above resolutions of the board of directors for external financing and guarantee, and is willing to bear all legal consequences arising therefrom. The period of authorization of the principal to the agent is from MM/DD/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY. Hereby authorize Signature of client: Date Signature of agent: Date

Hello, ask how to write the divorce property distribution agreement

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Legal Counsel Recent reply:

Male Party: __, ethnic group, born on __, address: __, ID card number: Female Party: __, ethnic group, born on MM/DD/YYYY, address: __, ID card number: Both parties have reached a divorce agreement and registered divorce in the city of on, and now both parties agree to voluntarily reach an agreement on the division of divorce property as follows: 1. The house property registered in the name of both men and women is located in Room __, Floor __, No. __, Community __, __ Road __, __ City. After divorce, the common share belonging to Party __ will belong to Party __. 2. The outstanding debts incurred by the two parties during the existence of the marriage relationship from the mortgage of the above property to the bank shall continue to be borne by party after divorce. 3. After this agreement comes into force, in case of default, the defaulting party shall bear corresponding economic and legal liabilities. Man: MM/DD/YYYY Woman: MM/DD/YYYY

Could you tell me whether the agreement on the change of custody right between husband and wife is effective

 Legal Advisor

Legal Counsel Recent reply:

1. The party who lives with the child is unable to continue to raise the child due to serious illness or disability. The illness or disability of one party will inevitably affect the education and care of children. From the perspective of children's growth, it is not a question of "how to change the custody?", but a question of the need to change the custody of children. 2. The party living with the child does not fulfill the obligation of upbringing or has abusive behavior, or the living with the child has adverse effects on the physical and mental health of the child. Some parents fight for custody when they divorce, not to create better living conditions for their children, but to divide property or achieve revenge. Once the goal is achieved, they will ignore their children, do not fulfill their obligations to support them, and some even beat and abuse their children. In this case, how to change custody? The other party concerned about the growth of children can request to change the custody of divorced children. However, the change of custody cannot require the re division of the original common property. 3. A minor child over the age of eight who is willing to live with the other party. Minors over the age of eight are persons with limited capacity for conduct and may engage in civil activities related to their age. At the time of divorce, the parents shall listen to their children's opinions on the ownership of custody of their children over the age of eight. However, if the child is under the age of eight at the time of divorce, and after several years, if the child is over the age of eight, he or she clearly expresses that he or she is willing to live with the other party, he or she can apply for changing the custody of the divorced child. 4. There are other justifiable reasons for change. This is a bottom-up clause. The social reality is complex and developing. For those issues that cannot be considered when formulating judicial interpretations, judicial interpretations give judges certain discretion. Here, how to change custody? The judge can judge whether to change the custody of divorced children according to his subjective understanding of the objective situation.

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