Run a radio station in 5 minutes

Service hotline: 400-6034-888

Hotline: eighteen billion one hundred and seventy-five million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand and fifteen

traffic +
weather +
music +
Journalism +
Asia Broadcasting Union Green Broadcasting Project Award in 2021
State Administration of Radio, Film and Television 2020 Smart Radio, Film and Television Communication and Distribution Advanced Cases
2020 National Radio and Television Media Integration and Growth Project of SARFT
The third prize of MediaAIAC smart radio and television terminals of the State Administration of Radio and Television in 2021
One of the 100 landmark projects of "new digital infrastructure" in Hunan Province in 2021
SARFT 2022 "New Era, New Brand and New Influence" Radio, TV and Media Convergence Product Brand
AI anchor on demand
20 AI anchors are "on duty" for 365 days, and can broadcast news, road conditions and weather in real time at any time throughout the day to complete music connection.
AI road condition broadcast
AI news broadcast
AI weather broadcast
AI music concatenation
  • traffic

  • Journalism

  • weather

  • Music concatenation

Mango Smart Media Data Map
It has signed a contract to serve more than 900 radio stations in 29 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions.
Please select a province or city first! Return to the previous level

Please select province and city first!

Hunan Mango Zhimei Technology Development Co., Ltd
  • Pioneer of new broadcasting intelligent technology in China

  • China (Beijing) International Audiovisual Conference "The Most Influential Brand in Audiovisual Industry"

  • Changsha Media Art Demonstration Enterprise

news information
Telephone consultation

eighteen billion one hundred and seventy-five million one hundred and seventy-eight thousand and fifteen