Tongyi Qianwen big language model, automatically sending original articles
Alibaba Cloud Tongyi Qianwen AI is a big model that specifically responds to human instructions. It is a flexible and versatile player. The new generation of knowledge enhancement big language model, the domestic version of "ChatGPT", a magic tool for automatic text generation, and a new tool for original article creation make it easy for you to create high-quality articles!, Pseudo original manuscript washing rewriting article content Pseudo original rewriting double title generation tag generation abstract. Tongyi Qianwen is a big model specially responding to human commands, and it is flexible Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in nine hundred and sixty-two
Article page download word document
The article page title content can be exported to download Word documents. Fixed content can be set at the beginning and end of the document. Document font size and line spacing can be set. Login members can be restricted to download documents. Documents that can be viewed offline docx article page title content can be exported to download Word documents. Fixed content can be set at the beginning and end of the document. Document font size and line spacing can be set, You can restrict login members to download documents. You can view the docx of the figure offline. End of article Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in seven hundred and twenty-three
MetaSeoTDK optimization title keyword description OG tag
Meta tags in MetaTDK search engine optimization SEO, article classification tags The author sets independent keywords and descriptions, including user-defined title, user-defined keyword, user-defined description, user-defined field, SEO unique address, Baidu time factor, headline time factor, The OG open content protocol label becomes a "rich media object" after adding the OG protocol to the webpage, indicating that it agrees to be quoted by other social media websites. Meta Search Engine Excellence Zblog plug-in Seo optimization
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in eight hundred and thirty-one
Batch Create Category Columns
Batch import new classification, batch import column classification, unified format one classification per line: parent classification name | classification name | classification alias | sorting number | template name | article template name Batch create classification: one format per line: parent classification name | classification name (or 0) | classification alias (or 0) | sorting number (or 0) | column template (or 0) | article template (or 0) One line one format: classification name batch Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and forty-eight
Article Batch Processing Status Author Category Title Content Description
Batch article content replacement, article batch replacement title replacement content replacement description, batch merging classified articles, merging subcategorized articles, batch converting article classifications, batch changing article status, batch converting article publication draft approval status, batch changing article author ID, batch clearing article set labels, Empty tags without articles Batch article content replacement, article batch replacement title content replacement description, batch merge classified articles, merge subcategories Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in three hundred and thirty-two
KimiAI, the dark side of the month, automatically sends original articles
Moonshot AI Kimi is an AI intelligent assistant with huge "memory", big language model, natural language processing, artificial intelligence big model, the new generation of knowledge enhanced big language model, the domestic version of "ChatGPT", an artifact of automatic text generation, and a new tool for original article creation, which makes it easy for you to create high-quality articles! You can set multiple account KEYs to be called one by one in a row. When one key runs out of quota, one key will be deleted Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in seven hundred and sixty
Spectrum AI automatic comment reply
Wisdom spectrum AI big model, regular automatic review of articles, automatic release of original intelligent reviews, automatic answer of article questions, automatic comment and message of random articles, increase the activity and popularity of articles, which is conducive to seo inclusion, and random user name, random IP address, random browser UA of reviewers. Wisdom spectrum AI big model, regular automatic comments on articles, automatic release of original intelligent comments, automatic answer to article questions, automatic comments on random articles, increase the activity and popularity of articles, including Ai writing Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in four hundred and sixty-nine
Zhipu AI big model, automatically sending original articles
Based on the leading 100 billion level multilingual and multimodal pre training model, the MaaS open platform of the Zhipu AI big model creates a new paradigm of efficient and universal "model as a service" AI development. The technology achievements of the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University are transformed into the third generation base big model ChatGLM3 language model, the new generation knowledge enhancement big language model, the "ChatGPT" of the domestic version, and the artifact of automatic text generation, New sharp tools for creating original articles make it easy for you to create high-quality articles Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in nine hundred and thirteen
Spark auto comment, iFLYTEK Spark cognition model
IFLYTEK's big model of spark cognition: regular automatic reviews of articles automatically release original intelligent reviews, and random articles automatically comment and leave messages, increasing the activity and popularity of articles, which is conducive to seo inclusion. The reviewers are random users, random IP addresses, random browsers, and UAs. IFLYTEK's big model of spark cognition, regular automatic comments on articles, automatic release of original intelligent comments, automatic comments on random articles, increasing the activity and popularity of articles is conducive to SEO inclusion, reviewers Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog comments
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in seven hundred and ninety-six
IFLYTEK Spark cognition model, automatically sending original articles
IFLYTEK's new generation of cognitive intelligence model is a powerful domestic version of chatgpt intelligent AI model. It has cross domain knowledge and language understanding ability, and can understand and perform tasks based on natural dialogue! According to the user's requirements, create attractive and emotional business copy, create various forms of marketing plans according to the description, create rigorous and detailed original articles of press releases according to the news elements, and rewrite the content of the articles with pseudo original and rewritten double labels Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in one thousand two hundred and eighty-five
One site multi topic template, different topic templates for classified articles
One site uses multiple themes and multiple templates. The necessary plug-ins of the site group make the theme templates you buy not idle. You can set up a classified list and classified articles to use different theme templates. You can set up each article to use different independent theme templates. You can use different theme templates according to the website to use multiple themes at one site, making your theme not idle, You can set different themes for classified lists and classified articles, and you can set different independent themes for each article Zblog plug-in
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in seven hundred and eighty-two
Baidu Wenxin sends original articles automatically
The Wenxin One word big model Baidu AI Zhiling Future 4.0 was officially released, and the free AI model no longer requires additional costs to generate articles. The domestic version of Baidu's new generation knowledge enhanced big language model "ChatGPT", an artifact of automatic text generation, and a new tool of original article creation make it easy for you to create high-quality articles, Rewrite the content of the article, pseudo original rewrite the double title, generate tags, and generate summaries. Wenxin One word Model Baidu AI Zhiling Future 4.0 was officially released Ai writing Zblog plug-in Zblog article
Lao Yang Zblog plug-in two thousand three hundred and sixty-three