Million data optimization pure static cache data table separation, ly_cache

Lao Yang three thousand four hundred and seventy-three two
LY_Million Data Optimization Pure Static Cache Data Table Separation
Plug in ID: ly_cache
Version: 1.2.37
File: 176.77KB
Updated: 2024-05-31

LY_ million data optimization Pure static cache data separation, million data optimization, article content data separation, automatic pure static cache, reduce website resource consumption, improve website access response speed.

For the dynamic optimization test of millions of data, the original table data optimization and static cache speed up, reduce the website resource consumption, improve the website access response speed, simple and easy automatic pure static cache.

Publishing and editing articles will automatically update the static files. Deleting articles and articles in the public status will delete the static files. The current cached page will automatically update the cache of the current page when it exceeds the set cache time limit. At the same time, the static page will also count the number of articles viewed, and will quickly reset to start a new cache.

Plug in features: three functions can be used together or separately:

1. Database optimization is the foundation of speed up optimization.

2. Data separation, article content separation txt optimization, or article content data table optimization, optimize the data table volume to improve the database processing capacity.

3. Static cache 0 calls the database.

The function of caching c_html_js_add.php is to reduce users' access to the repeatedly loaded JS plug-in function. If there is no JS function related to user interaction status, it is recommended to enable this enhanced cache.

The actual measurement is for the dynamic optimization test of 300 million data. Other optimization instructions: Do not use the article archiving module and calendar module in the module management sidebar. Do not use the random display article function of the theme and plug-in. It is recommended not to use the function of the previous article and the next article on the article page.     

The response speed of a website cannot be solved by only one plug-in. It is very important to check the slow response caused by the unreasonable design of the theme and other plug-ins, which requires targeted optimization.

Description of open spider UA: spider (five domestic spiders UA, Baidu, Toutiao, 360, Sogou, Shenma) | bingbot | BingPreview (related to Bing) | Applebot (Apple) | Googlebot | Mediapartners Google | Adsbot Google (related to Google), and you can customize open foreign or other spiders.

 1. Million Data Optimization Pure Static Cache Data Table Separation - Laoyang Plug in

Real pure static rules. You can turn off PHP and MySQL to access static pages. Currently, only nginx rules are supported.

 2. Million Data Optimization Pure Static Cache Data Table Separation - Laoyang Plug in

Look at the effect of speed measurement with pure static cache enabled: the average response of telecom access is 0.49 seconds, and the current speed measurement website is the Hong Kong server.

 3. Million Data Optimization Pure Static Cache Data Table Separation - Laoyang Plug in

Let's also look at the speed measurement effect of turning off the pure static cache: the average response time for telecom access is 1.44 seconds. Without turning on the pure static cache, the response speed is significantly slow by nearly 3 times.

 4. Million Data Optimization Pure Static Cache Data Table Separation - Laoyang Plug in

The user login status of the static cache page is lost, and the theme customization adaptation c_html_js_add.php dynamically calls the login status page for processing

Update 20240327: update a security issue, please update the latest version.

Update 20230902: optimize some details and add independent static settings for multiple domain names.

Update 20230709: add sub table and separate article content replacement settings.

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Comment List
  • Huo Xiaoning reply
    Sichuan Dazhou Mobile
    Why can't the train release data after I enable the plug-in
    • Lao Yang reply
      Guangxi Telecom/public export of data access
      The reason for the execution mode of your locomotive plug-in, you should set to open the non static home page