Use LNMP one click installation package, SSL double certificate installation record

Lao Yang one thousand one hundred and twenty-one zero

The SSL/TLS security assessment report detects whether the SSL certificate is compatible with the access of individual clients

The Let's Encrypt certificate has been abandoned. There will be too many unstable compatibility problems. Choosing ZeroSSL certificate is more stable and compatible. Through the SSL/TLS security assessment report, we only found that [IE 6/XP] handshake failed.

Because my one click installation package uses LNMP and the RSA certificate of zerossl is used by default, I only need to install the ECC certificate of zerossl

 1. Use LNMP one key installation package, SSL double certificate installation record - Laoyang plug-in

#Generate the ECC certificate of zerossl. The terminal directly enters the following command

 /usr/local/ -f --server zerossl --issue -d -d --keylength ec-256 -w /home/wwwroot/

Wait a few minutes, and the ECC certificate of zerossl will be automatically generated

 2. Use LNMP one key installation package, SSL double certificate installation record - Laoyang plug-in

There is an additional lyplugin.com_ecc folder in the/usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/directory

Then in the server configuration information of the website in the configuration directory of the nginx website/usr/local/nginx/conf/vhost, find the originally configured certificate file information followed by two lines of ECC certificate file links.

         ssl_certificate /usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/lyplugin.com_ecc/fullchain.cer;         ssl_certificate_key /usr/local/nginx/conf/ssl/lyplugin.com_ecc/;

Then save and reload the website configuration service: lnmp reload

ECC+RSA dual certificate configuration is completed

 3. Use LNMP one key installation package, SSL double certificate installation record - Laoyang plug-in

 4. Use LNMP one key installation package, SSL double certificate installation record - Laoyang plug-in

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