Qiniu Cloud object storage, ly_qiniu

Lao Yang eight hundred and thirteen zero
LY_Qiniu Cloud Object Storage
Plug in ID: ly_qiniu
Version: 1.0.21
ZBP>= 1.6.0
PHP>= 5.5
File: 47.54KB
Updated: 2023-12-05

Automatically synchronize website image attachments to Qiniu Cloud object storage, or retrieve Qiniu Cloud image attachments to local Qiniu Cloud, or retrieve Qiniu Cloud stored image attachments to local Qiniu Cloud

Note: uploaded image attachments are automatically asynchronously transferred to Qiniu Cloud storage, and attachment management deletion also synchronously deletes files on the cloud.    

Support: Support ->LY-Picture transformation+image text watermark, Qiniu Cloud official website, Qiniu Cloud storage

Start synchronization: ->Test whether the settings are correct

Key AccessKey: ->Key Management

Secret Key:

Storage area

Storage space name:

Custom address: ->The complete address must be accompanied by http (s)://At the end, the/slash must be added

->Turning on or off or leaving the custom domain name address blank is to use the current website address, and the plug-in is a pure synchronous backup function

Address calling mode:

Automatic conversion mode New and old mixed mode
-Automatic conversion mode: all attachment addresses are automatically converted using object storage addresses
-Mixed use of old and new: only newly uploaded attachments use the object storage address, and the unsynchronized old attachments use the local attachment address

Delete local files: ->It is generally not recommended to delete local files

 1. Qiniu Cloud object storage - Laoyang plug-in

 2. Qiniu Cloud object storage - Laoyang plug-in

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