404 random articles, ly_404post

Lao Yang eight hundred and nineteen zero
LY_404 Random articles
Plug in ID: ly_404post
Version: 1.0.13
ZBP>= 1.7.0
PHP>= 5.6
File: 33.29KB
Updated: 2024-09-18

404seo, 404 page displays random articles, or fixed random articles on different 404 pages, 404 page 301 redirects to the designated website, 404 page 301 redirects to the article link to the article page, and the pan domain home page displays the article title article content.

Function switch: Close all spider users

General restrictions: ->Only regular list and article URL 404 can be processed, and other abnormal 404 can be filtered

Filter suffix: Ico | jpg | js | css | jpeg | gif | png | webp | xml | txt ->404 is not processed for filtering the specified suffix. The default is | separation: ico | jpg | js | css | jpeg | gif | png | webp | xml | txt

Path matching: -Set matching 404 web page path, jump to the specified path, one line for one correspondence, {404 path}={jump path}

-For example: {/post/123. html}={/post/456. html}

Random quantity: -"Value, specify the number of random latest articles, and it is recommended not to exceed 10000. The default value of 0 is the article ID 1

Fixed jump: -"The default is blank. After filling in the URL, page 301 redirects to the designated URL

Fixed articles: -Each 404 page is bound with fixed articles, and the default is random articles

Jump article: -404 Page 301 Redirect to the article link Jump to the article page

Secondary domain name: ->The first page of the universal domain name secondary domain name directly displays the content page of random articles

Production 404: -Special requirements: generate 404 links, pan domain names, etc. in the footer of the whole site

Support random numbers, such as: https://www.58xp.com/post/ {Number 10-200}. html is a random number from 10 to 200.

Random letters are supported, such as https://{letter 10-20}. 58xp. com/post/{letter 10-20}. html, which is letters with random length of 10 to 20 bits.

Page production 404 Qty: ->Default 0

 1. 404 Random Article Extensive Content - Laoyang Plug in

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