Login free publishing article API, ly_postapi

Lao Yang five thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine two
LY_Unless login publishing article API
Plug in ID: ly_postapi
Version: 1.0.34
ZBP>= 1.6.0
PHP>= 5.4
File: 46.66KB
Updated: 2024-04-15

The locomotive is free from landing to release the article API interface, which is suitable for multi station interconnection to release the interface

Support: ->LY-Link push, ->LY_Batch elimination of invalid pictures+batch localization of pictures, ->LY-Image transformation+image and text watermark

Stock in switch:


Interface information: Website address: https://www.58xp.com/zb_users/plugin/ly_postapi
Content publishing parameters: ly_postapi. php? key=dadef248de5dec25540b16c3266e466d&
Full interface address: https://www.58xp.com/zb_users/plugin/ly_postapi/ly_postapi.php?key=dadef248de5dec25540b16c3266e466d&
You can also directly change the status, classification, author and lock comment by splicing:&Status=0&CateID=1&AuthorID=2&IsLock=1

Default author ID: ->Random multiple IDs are separated by |, such as 1 | 2 | 3

Default article status: public draft review

Content replacement: one character per line needs to be replaced, separated by |,
For example, if the replacement: advertisement is recommendation, it means: advertisement | recommendation
You can also write regular:
Processing links: (<a [^>]+>([^<]+)</a>) | $2
Processing pictures: (<img [^>]+>)|
Picture address completion: (<img ([^>]+) src="([^"]+) "([^>]+)>) |<img $2src=" https://www.58xp.com/ $3"$4>
The image address of the relative path can be completed in a regular way
Click here for more instructions

Judgment Repeat Title: Accurate Judgment Repeat Update Fuzzy Judgment
-Precise judgment: if the title is identical, it will not be warehoused
-Repeated update: If the title is identical, the content of articles with the same title in the database will be updated.
-Fuzzy judgment: if the front part of the database has the same title as the warehousing title, it will not be warehoused, which is suitable for the post processing of the double title problem.    

 1. Login free publishing article API - Laoyang plug-in

Zblog locomotive login free release module


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  • Loving WHY reply
    Beijing Mainframe Network Technology Co., Ltd
    Hello, can this login free release plug-in be used together with the [article table splitting function] enabled in your [million data optimization pure static cache data table splitting] plug-in?
    • Lao Yang reply
      Guangxi Telecom/public export of data access