Automatically insert random videos into articles, ly_autovideo

Lao Yang six hundred and fifty-three two
LY_Automatically insert random videos into articles
Plug in ID: ly_autovideo
Version: 1.0.0
File: 25.99KB
Updated: 2023-07-30

Articles automatically insert random videos, videos uploaded from Baoyi, and specific classified articles insert specific random videos

Function switch: ->will automatically insert videos when publishing articles

Video files: Upload the mp4 video file to the/zb_users/plugin/ly_autovideo/video/folder

Different classified articles display different videos:/zb_users/plugin/ly_autovideo/video/8

Cover address: -Uniform video cover picture

Video width: -"Value, 500 is the default

Video height: -"Value, 300 is the default

Lock URL: -The default website address can be left blank for adaptation

Specify classification: -Specify the classification ID, and multiple classification IDs are separated by symbols. If yes is written, the large classification ID includes all sub classifications

Insert paragraph: - "The default value is 2, that is, the video is inserted in front of the second P paragraph, and random paragraphs 2-5

It is recommended to use it together: LY_DPlayer video player

 1. Automatic insertion of articles into random videos - Laoyang plug-in

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