Simple conversion, simple conversion, ly_HansHant

Lao Yang five hundred and eighty-six zero
LY_Conversion between simple and complex, conversion between complex and simple
Plug in ID: ly_HansHant
Version: 1.0.1
ZBP>= 1.7.0
PHP>= 5.6
File: 110.21KB
Updated: 2023-04-24

The title content labels are simple and complex, which supports automatic processing of all receipts. Traditional Chinese is converted to Simplified Chinese or Simplified Chinese is converted to Traditional Chinese, not front-end JS replacement, but direct text data replacement

Font conversion: Turn off the conversion from Simplified to Traditional to Simplified ->All inbound articles title content description label conversion

Batch processing: Processing articles, processing tags, processing categories

 1. Simplicity conversion, complexity conversion Laoyang plug-in

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