Nginx+php script timeout 502

Lao Yang one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four zero

The pagoda panel can set the timeout limit directly in PHP. If you use the pagoda firewall, you need to set the rule of server IP entering the IP white list.

 1. Nginx+php script timeout 502 - Laoyang plug-in


Other server configurations can be modified as follows:

The PHP timeout is 502, involving three file modification parameters

Modify max_input_time in the php.ini file

 max_input_time = 300

In the php-fpm.conf file, if the request _terminate_timeout timeout is modified, the 502 status will appear.

 request_terminate_timeout = 300

Modify the three fastcgi_connect_timeout files in nginx. conf, fastcgi_send_timeout,fastcgi_read_timeout, The 504 status will appear after timeout.

 fastcgi_connect_timeout 300; fastcgi_send_timeout 300; fastcgi_read_timeout 300;

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