Single page filing strategy suitable for all php website programs

Lao Yang five hundred and twenty-eight zero


*Place the bn.php file in the root directory of the website, and call it at the head of the index.php root directory of the website:

     * include dirname(__FILE__) . '/ bn.php';


*Test url:

     * /? ly_ba_test=1


*$d array domain name should not be filled with www

*Name=Filing name

*Icp=filing number, new filing left blank

*Key=image keyword, which supports comma separated multi keyword mode

*Title=Description of page

*File=user-defined html file path, such as:/bn.html


Modify the information of setting the filing domain name in the bn.php file:

The function is similar to this ZBLOG plug-in: LY - Filing review strategy

 1. Single page filing strategy suitable for all php website programs - Laoyang plug-in

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