Cashier, login free payment collection, ly_pay

Lao Yang two thousand three hundred and nineteen three
LY_ Cashier, login free payment collection
Plug in ID: ly_pay
Version: 1.0.60
File: 1.49MB
Updated: 2024-05-22

Content payment function, user free login payment function (paid copy, download payment, article export document paid download document, paid read full text, paid view hidden content, user defined payment reward website) supports WeChat Native payment, JSAPI payment H5 payment, Alipay pay in person, website payment, mobile payment, Hupi Pepper personal collection interface, support monthly VIP package, quarterly three months, VIP package, 365 days a year.

Content payment function (copy content, download attachments, download documents, read full text, view content, reward website) Disabling plug-ins will not affect the original content. Each function will be paid once for each article. The login user will be valid for a long time, and the non login user COOKIE will be valid for 30 days.

Each function can set the global amount. Setting 0 can turn off the global function. You can also set the amount of each function independently in each article. Setting blank is to use the global amount. Setting 0 is to turn off the charge for this function in the current article.

Copy content: copy web page content or code.

View content: pay to display the view content, and test the hidden content below.

View Hidden Content

Download attachments: You can also download all attachments within an article for a single payment for multiple attachments within an article. All normal attachment links within an article are automatically encrypted, including new and old articles, without special label settings.

Download attachment experience:

Downloading documents: the full text content of the article is exported and the document is downloaded and saved (the attachment link remains encrypted, and the viewing content can also be set to remain encrypted). You can set the header and footer information added to each article document by default.

Read the full text: Automatic paragraph segmentation ensures the integrity of content labels. No special label setting is required. Set the threshold value of the number of words in the article globally. When the number of words in the article reaches the set value, encrypt and hide more than half of the set value to read the full text display, or set the number of image thresholds, If more than half of the set value is used to encrypt and hide the content, you need to read the full text display.

Reading experience:

Reward website: Each page floating user can pay for reward website for unlimited times at a fixed amount.

You can set the payment amount for each function of global articles, or you can set an independent payment amount for each article.

The default amount of 0 is not to open the cashier, less than 0 is free, and more than 0 is charged. The amount set independently for each article. Blank is the default, 0 is free, and more than 0 is charged.

When you enable the setting of monthly VIP package, quarterly VIP package and yearly VIP package, you must enable the login.

Alipay pays face to face, which can be used by individuals, but it is recommended to collect a small amount of money.
WeChat Native payment and Alipay computer website payment can only be applied by individual businesses.
Hupi Pepper personal collection interface (account opening fee and double rate deduction are required) It is recommended to use a small amount of money collection.
Users can register and log in together with QQ Internet login plug-in.    

Alipay face-to-face payment application tutorial

WeChat public account setting information of WeChat payment

 1. Cashier, login free payment collection - Laoyang plug-in

To set the paid viewing content, click the LY icon on the editor toolbar:

 2. Cashier, login free payment collection - Laoyang plug-in

Sales record of clinched orders:

 3. Cashier, login free payment collection - Laoyang plug-in

Support VIP monthly package for 30 days, three-month package season for 90 days, and annual package for 365 days:

 4. Cashier, login free payment collection - Laoyang plug-in

Update log:

Update 20231106: Added the ability to set free export documents.

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Reward the author
Cashier, Free Login and Paid Collection. doc
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Comment List
  • Painter reply
    Hainan Haikou Telecom
    Lao Yang, use Is it better to export word??
    • Lao Yang reply
      Guangxi Telecom/public export of data access
      Updated using phpword to generate documents
    • Lao Yang reply
      Guangxi Telecom/public export of data access
      It is OK to use the export. There is no need to integrate other tools for processing