IP monitoring spider record/collection prevention, ly_ipx

Lao Yang nine hundred and four zero
LY_IP Monitoring Spider Record/Preventing Collection
Plug in ID: ly_ipx
Version: 1.0.21
ZBP>= 1.6.8
PHP>= 5.5
File: 135.36KB
Updated: 2024-08-11

(This plug-in does not support static caching of web pages)

Anti collection automatically intercepts abnormal spiders and reptiles, automatically records classified spiders, identifies normal users, prevents collection, blocks collection, intercepts collection, intercepts foreign garbage spiders and reptiles, permanently opens the customized IP white list, permanently intercepts the customized path, permanently intercepts the customized IP black list, and automatically releases the automatically intercepted IP beyond the time limit.

 1. IP monitoring spider record/collection prevention - Laoyang plug-in

 2. IP monitoring spider record/collection prevention - Laoyang plug-in

 3. IP monitoring spider record/collection prevention - Laoyang plug-in

 4. IP monitoring spider record/collection prevention - Laoyang plug-in

Update 20240607: Add automatic addition to the management IP white list, add setting URL path interception, and add opening only known spider IP segments to intercept all unknown spiders.

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