Customized content at the beginning and end of the article, ly_Copyright

Lao Yang seven hundred and forty-four zero
LY_User defined content at the beginning and end of the article
Plug in ID: ly_Copyright
Version: 1.0.14
File: 32.48KB
Updated: 2024-05-31

Plug in function description:

The opening and closing remarks of the article are as follows: insert advertisement code copyright notice at the beginning and end of the article, and insert custom text content or statement information or copyright information or advertisement code at the beginning and end of the article. You can set independent article advertisements by classified articles, or set independent advertisements for articles by labels.

You can set the header statement of the classified article and the tail copyright of the classified article on the editing category page. The parent category includes the subcategorized article, and the subcategorized article only includes the subcategorized article. If the article category is not set, the default article header and tail content will be used.

Support inserting article field data: {title}, {web address}, {time}, {description}, {replies}, {readings}, {author name}, {classification name}, {author web address}, {classification web address}

Support meta custom fields with the same name as the form, such as:+meta_url+

Display effect: add the copyright information set at the end of the whole site article, and you can say what information you want. You can text html code:

 1. Customized content at the beginning and end of the article - Laoyang plug-in

Edit category page settings:

 2. Customized content at the beginning and end of the article - Laoyang plug-in

20231010 update: add independent label settings.

Update 20230708: Add the content of user-defined fields that can be set for articles.

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