Website filing single page review strategy, ly_ba

Lao Yang one thousand four hundred and eighty-seven zero
LY_Site Filing Single Page Review Strategy
Plug in ID: ly_ba
Version: 1.0.38
ZBP>= 1.4
PHP>= 5.5
File: 74.24KB
Updated: 2024-09-20

(With this plug-in function, the home page cannot be statically cached.)

The home page of the new record can not be accessed. The home page of the record review is a single page and displays the image information of the relevant keywords. The intelligent filtering spider, mobile phone, inner page, and landing page will not affect the management background. If the time is less than 8 a.m. or greater than 21 p.m., that is, from 22 to 07 p.m., the review strategy is to release the status of all users.

1. If users access the home page of the website from other websites, they will not be affected, and the website origin strategy for filing and review will be judged intelligently.

2. If the user visits the inside page of the website first and then the home page, it will not be affected.

3. The review strategy is only for the first visit to the computer side of the website home page or the background of the filing.

4. It can be set to display friendship links (the system default link module manages friendship links), which will not have a negative impact on selling friendship links and exchanging links.

5. You can customize your own single page html

6. When a visitor triggers a policy on the home page, a single page will be displayed when visiting all pages within 30 minutes.

7. It supports the location policy of designated IP regions and the use of three IP address plug-ins in the application center.

LY - Record review strategy setting page:

1. If the domain name of a newly added website is filed, the record number setting item must be left blank. In this state, the user's home page cannot be opened due to errors.

2. If you submit other records and your domain name has been recorded under your record number, you need to set the correct record number, correct record station name, webpage keywords and webpage introduction.

 1. Website filing single page review strategy - Laoyang plug-in

You can click the test effect. The home page is automatically in a single page state, and all images of the set keywords are displayed:

 2. Website filing single page review strategy - Laoyang plug-in

Update 20240418: Add JS loading iframe frame display single page mode.

Update 20231014: Add some known default spider IP lists.

Update 20230801: Add settings to specify the top-level domain name.

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