The setting information of WeChat official account of WeChat payment at the cashier
The information of relevant settings should be known from the pictures. I won't say too much. WeChat payment must have an individual business license to open a certified public account and WeChat payment. Information settings related to the public account platform: the information of the relevant settings should be known from the pictures. I won't say too much. WeChat payment must have an individual business license to open a certified public account and WeChat payment. Information settings related to the public account platform: https://mp.weixin.qq.c …… WeChat
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories seven hundred and eighty
Get the member interface key through browser review on Friday
Workbench page browser F12 review: the network finds the list and then takes the value of authtoken Workbench page browser F12 review: the network finds the list and then takes the value of authtoken The value of authtoken should be copied to KeySecret, and KeyId should be left blank
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories three hundred and ninety-three
PHP third-party curl transfer station
It is stated that the file URL should not disclose the php third-party curl transfer station, automatically transfer POST and GET data, and the file should be renamed by its own definition or placed in a separate folder to avoid being used by others. Please note that the website php execution timeout should be set at least 300 seconds. Declare that the file website should not disclose the php third-party curl transfer station, and automatically transfer POST and GET data. The file should be determined by itself
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories one thousand two hundred and ninety-two
Nginx+php script timeout 502
The pagoda panel can set the timeout limit directly in PHP. If you use the pagoda firewall, you need to set the rule of server IP entering the IP white list. The pagoda panel can set the timeout limit directly in PHP. If you use the pagoda firewall, you need to set the rule of server IP entering the IP white list************************** Other server configurations can be modified as follows: p
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories two thousand two hundred and ten
No library spider strong citation, suitable for any php website, static website can not be used
No library spider forced citation, suitable for any php website, static website cannot be used Note: add a reference to the public file that the website program needs to call/spier301/function. php, such as: require_once dirname (__FILE__). '/ spider301/function.php……
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories eight hundred and seventy-three
Single page filing strategy suitable for all php website programs
/*** Place the bn.php file in the root directory of the website, and call the following: * include dirname (__FILE_). '/ bn.php';  ……
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories five hundred and twenty-nine
Cashier, Alipay [web application], Alipay face-to-face computer payment, mobile payment and collection application tutorial
Alipay pay in person function, which can be used by individuals and has the lowest rate, only requires the service charge of Alipay platform for transaction orders. First, register and create Alipay [web app]. If there is an existing app, you don't need to re create it. Apply for the corresponding product permission to pay in person or pay by computer or mobile phone. Computer payment and mobile phone payment require a business license to apply for opening. Alipay pay in person function, which can be used by individuals and has the lowest rate, only needs to pay for the transaction order Alipay
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories two thousand seven hundred and twelve
The new website has been registered for 6 days and has been migrated to domestic servers. Welcome to experience
Before the website was filed, it used to use the Hong Kong server. It was intended to use the Hong Kong server without filing. However, users always responded to the slow access response, especially the slow image loading. Now after the website is filed and moved to the domestic server, is the access response speed better? Welcome to experience that the website has always used the Hong Kong server before it was filed. It was intended to use the Hong Kong server without filing, but users always responded to the call
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories six hundred and seventy-two
Hong Kong servers often delay a lot, so I have to put the website on record before using domestic servers
Experience the practicality of the filing plug-in in person again: LY filing review strategy Experience the practicality of the filing plug-in in person again: LY filing review strategy The first review of non closing station filing is passed, and the next step is to wait for the review of the Administration
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories four hundred and twenty
The method for Shenma webmaster platform to add new station MIP data submission to obtain Authkey
The content of this article is invalid. Shenma has no MIP submission data, and the Shenma webmaster platform does not know what is going on. An insecure http submission data is loaded into an https website, which leads to the failure of the MIP data submission website to obtain Authkey, or perhaps Shenma wants to restrict everyone from using this function. The content of this article is invalid. Shenma has no MIP to submit data. Shenma webmaster platform doesn't know what's going on
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories nine hundred and sixty-seven
I don't know whether the current schools or teachers want to recycle mobile phones and computers or students' eyes
A message issued by the teacher of the class group, so parents without old mobile phones and laptops do not need eye massagers? Or this massager doesn't work at all. It's just for recycling old mobile phones and laptops. I looked at this eye massager on Taobao and found that it was sold for 42 yuan. The replacement of mobile phones and computers may leak personal pictures of communication records, etc. Many sources of fraud information come from the replacement of mobile phones. Dear parents and friends
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories four hundred and fifty
The user login status of the static cache page is lost, and the theme customization adaptation c_html_js_add.php dynamically calls the login status page for processing
Because when a website uses a static cache page, all pages of the website are static file pages, so there is no user login status information in the page, and it will be inconvenient without login status. You can use the following code to adapt the theme, and use JS to load the user login status in the static page. The following code example is an adaptation example of the theme of this site. The reference examples are processed according to your theme, and cannot be copied directly. Because when a website uses a static cache
Lao Yang Lao Yang's Memories one thousand one hundred and ninety-five