Integrity International Logistics and Transportation Service in 2016 Accurate and transparent price One to one professional and experienced customer service Tel: 400-0771-365
  • SHEN ZHEN Shenzhen
  • GUANG ZHOU Guangzhou
  • ZHU SAN JIAO Pearl River Delta
  • HONG KONG Hong Kong
  • SHANG HAI Shanghai
  • NING BO Ningbo
  • XIA MEN Xiamen
  • QING DAO Qingdao
  • TIAN JIN Tianjin
  • DA LIAN Dalian
sea freight

Logistics Baba shipping service covers nearly 1200 ports and cities in the world. More than 200 countries. 53 shipping companies. Freight rates are transparent, fair and within reach!

Amazon FBA

Logistics Baba cross-border logistics provides diversified and personalized first journey services for Amazon sellers and cross-border e-commerce. It acts as an agent for Amazon FBA customs clearance, bid exchange, overseas warehousing and other one-stop services

Shipping Shuangqing

Logistics Baba maritime double customs clearance service ushers in a new era of DDU/DDP service. It solves the problem of customs clearance and delivery for small and medium-sized enterprises and makes international logistics easier!

international air transport

Logistics Baba air transport service covers 1062 international airports in the world. 177 countries. There are 65 integrated alliance airlines, so that your goods can reach the world!

Latest information

 Record high! Extreme high temperature in Asia stimulates LNG demand
Extreme temperatures across Asia have pushed up the demand for liquefied natural gas (LNG) in the region, as importers seek goods before summer, and South Asia's imports hit a record high. This may tighten available supply and further push up Asia
 Heberot Update Adriatic Sea Express Service
German Ocean Shipping Company Herbert announced the change of its Adriatic Sea Express (ADX). The new rotation of ADX services will be as follows: Piraeus, Greece ->Alexandria, Egypt ->Damieta, Egypt ->Slovenia

Ocean freight inquiry, air freight price inquiry

Logistics Baba subverts the pain points of information asymmetry and non-standard services in traditional industries with Internet thinking. Logistics Baba provides you with transparent, fair, convenient and fast O2O services. Online service products include international shipping, international air transport, international express, warehousing and customs declaration, insurance, finance, logistics scheme planning, etc., to protect import and export enterprises.

Freight rate recommendation

Booking recommendation

Full container shipping LCL international air transport
 Shipping Shuangqing
Massive freight rates cover the world

Covering 90% of global port freight rates

Professional integrity service

On average, 3 years of professional customer service by Shanghai Air Transport

One stop solution for goods export

24-hour online operation anywhere

Safe underwriting

Provide insurance compensation mechanism so that you have no worries

cooperative partner E-commerce platform, logistics providers, cooperative institutions, finance
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