Overview of all Charlie dolls in Biochemical Crisis 3

Time: April 7, 2020 10:27:34 Source: Internet Reading Times: 16777215

Where is Charlie Doll of Biochemical Crisis 3? What are the positions of all Charlie dolls? Little friends who are still not clear, here is a detailed introduction of the location of all Charlie dolls in Biochemical Crisis 3! If you are interested, don't miss it!

Overview of all Charlie dolls in Biochemical Crisis 3

There are twenty Mr. Charlie in the game.

01: On the ground at the opposite platform on the north side of the subway car.

02: On the table near the storage box in the subway station.

03: When leaving from the semi closed rolling gate of the subway station, on the ambulance in the street ahead.

04: After triggering the plot outside the burning alley, the three zombies behind the fence swing are on the car (on the car hood).

05: Outside the doughnut shop, under the scaffolding beside the stairs.

06: Inside the donut shop, beside the microwave oven behind the counter.

07: In the supermarket (need to cut the chain), the back of the cashier is facing the player.

08: In the private houses with puzzle solving safes, on the upper shelf.

09: On the roof of the residential buildings with puzzle solving safes and on the transformer box (there are 2 in this place and 19 places in total, and 19 places need to meet the conditions).

10: When leaving from the back door of the house with the puzzle solving safe (that is, the pharmacy is on the right side of the door, and the pharmacy is the house with beautiful posters and safe password), you can turn around at the front high shelf (or you can turn around at the step door with the fire hydrant and aim at the top of the iron shelf above).

11: When leaving from the back door of the house with the puzzle safe, it is on the left roof (purple room with yellow stripes).

12: In the pharmacy, on the shelf on the right side of the large swimsuit poster.

13: In the lane to the south of the subway control room, there is a zombie playing dead. There is a male and a female zombie inside. (The chain needs to be cut). The shadow near the dead body at the end is on the ground, in the middle of the transformer.

14: In the cabinet beside the door of the subway control room where shotguns are taken.

15: Outside the alley on the south side of the subway control room (refer to Article 13, police cars outside the alley), on the seats inside the police car (specific conditions need to be completed first). If you want to trigger the event of the zombie going out, you should cumulatively launch "instant dodge" in the course of this game. If you dodge more than 25 times in a single game, death will continue to count. The zombie will fall out when approaching the door.

16: On the seat in the police car outside the supermarket is the police car outside the toy store. (Specific conditions need to be completed first). However, the tracker must be allowed to enter the scene first (i.e. get the fire hose), and then kneel the tracker more than 3 times, and it will be triggered when approaching the door. The fastest way to kneel is: ① throw grenades, ② detonate the oil barrel.

17: The fire lane is on the vent at the end after extinguishing the fire. The location is insidious. After putting out the fire, slowly move forward against the wall on the right and look to the left at the same time. As soon as Charlie doll is found, he will resolutely pull out his gun and shoot. Otherwise, moving forward will trigger the end of Demo's plot performance.

18: On the roof of the front of the donut shop (specific conditions need to be completed first). First, aim the gun at the poster with moustache on the left wall through the window outside the toy store, and aim the gun at the poster of Mr. Charlie on the wall inside the store for more than 10 seconds before Charlie dolls will be painted on the roof of the doughnut store.

19: The roof of residential buildings with puzzle solving safes and the side of corpses of fat zombies (specific conditions need to be completed first). Players need to complete two prerequisites: ① collect two "advanced gunpowder" (located in supermarkets and pharmacies respectively), and combine Magnum ammunition; ② Go back to the subway station and find Mihale to trigger the dialogue of "clearing the rubble". At this time, go to the roof where Charlie doll 09 is located. The fat body that was gnawed by the female zombie will move inexplicably and move to the nearby red car, and Charlie doll is beside him.

20: After triggering the plot animation of fire fighting, return to the place where the fire is in front of the toy store. After the police car (this police car is the one of 16), you can see a zombie standing stupidly, shoot it and return to the pharmacy. At the side of the swimsuit poster, there is a position where the vehicle crashed in. The lying zombie will revive, and the last Charlie doll can be seen at its original position.

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  • Other names: nothing
  • Game type: Large end tour
  • Game updates: 2020-12-21
  • Game language: Simplified Chinese
  • Game platform: Vista/winXP/win7/win8/win10

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