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About Finding Elements


I remember from 14 to 15 years ago, many design partners told me that it was really a waste of time and energy to do design matting, and it was necessary to cut several or even more than a dozen drawings for one drawing, which greatly improved the design time and reduced the work efficiency of designers, After several years of experience in the design industry, my little partner and I had an idea to build a website with well drawn design element materials for designers. Then in 16 years, there was the birth of the search element, This is the origin of search element names and websites.


Seeking Element is a design material website focusing on high-definition png free design elements and background free download, providing free download of bitmap, transparent background material, high-definition png, picture material, floating elements, decorative elements, label elements, font elements, icon elements and other free design elements

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Time of establishment: March 4, 2016

Website positioning: free download website for design elements

Website ownership: Hangzhou Qimi Network Technology Co., Ltd

ICP Record No.: Zhe ICP Bei 19017167-1

After more than five years of good development, Meiyuan is now a material website with 5 million design elements and more than one million design backgrounds. In addition to providing high-quality PNG design elements to meet user needs, it is also committed to reducing the cost of designers to obtain design materials, so that tens of millions of domestic designers can save time when doing design While saving effort, it can also reduce the cost of obtaining materials. "One member, full site privilege" is the feature of the search element website. Only one VIP can download any materials from the website.


Committed to providing high-quality free png design elements, it has become a design website in the design industry that "truly meets the needs of users, and meets the real needs of users"

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If you have better suggestions and opinions, friendship links, cooperation, please contact us through the following ways

QQ: 1563712686 (9:30-18:00 from Monday to Friday)


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