plot: In a small mountain city, a pair of underprivileged robbers, a down and out tough security guard, a physically disabled but tough and vicious gossip girl, and a series of small people living in different social trajectories were wrongly intertwined on a seemingly ordinary day because of a lost old gun and an oolong robbery that took place in the city that day, The absurdity comedies that take place are laughable.


Director: Rao Xiaozhi
to star: Chen Jianbin, Ren Suxi, Pan Binlong, Zhang Yu, Wang Yanhui, Jiukong, Ma Yinyin, Cheng Yi, Ning Huanyu, Deng Enxi, Xie Bo, Fan Xiang, Zhao Zichong, Shi Ce, Ma Ruihan
Region: Chinese Mainland
Length: 108 minutes
Release time: Released on November 16, 2018

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Blogger's impressions:

~A comedy film gave me the impression that every one of us may have a dream. Some people finally realized their dreams, and some people spent a lot of effort to realize their dreams, but they still failed to achieve them, and were looked down upon by people around them. This tells us that even if we fail, we should put our minds in order. Every ordinary person has something extraordinary, This is extraordinary not only because of dreams, but also because of dignity. Only by striving with dignity and living with dignity can we be respected by others. Everyone should pursue what he wants and live for himself. ~
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