These days Alipay is working on a "flower" red envelope to earn a reward. Er, no, it has always been there. These days, it's just more popular! So he planned to add some "mysterious code" on his website to earn some reward, so he began to study

Idea: At present, js does not support directly opening a website without user action to force users to copy the content on the pasteboard, so you can only open the website and click anywhere to copy the content.

First share my code: Open the homepage of Alipay and search "516801986" to receive red packet immediately Or scan the code below

 Js enables clicking anywhere on the web page to copy content - automatically copy Alipay red envelope password

Create a new zfb.js, copy the following content, and change the Zhi variable to the content you want

 { Var Zhi='516801986 ';//Edit the content here var newscript = document.createElement('script'); newscript.setAttribute('type','text/javascript'); newscript.setAttribute('src',' '); var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; head.appendChild(newscript); document.writeln('<input id="foo" readonly="readonly" style="position: fixed;left:-100%;top:50%" value="'+Zhi+'">'); function zhiFuBaoUrlSearch(str) { var name, value; var num = str.indexOf("?"); var params = []; str = str.substr(num + 1); var arr = str.split("&"); for (var i = 0;  i < arr.length; i++) { num = arr[i].indexOf("="); if (num > 0) { name = arr[i].substring(0, num); value = arr[i].substr(num + 1); params[name] = value; } } return params; } function zhiFuBaoSetClassAndAttribute(elements){ for (var e = 0; e<elements.length;e++){ Celement = document.querySelectorAll(elements[e]); for (var i = 0; i<Celement.length;i++){ Celement[i].className += ' Clipboard'; Celement[i].setAttribute("data-clipboard-target", "#foo"); } } } window.onload = function () { js_url = document.getElementById('zhifubaoJs').src; $_GET = zhiFuBaoUrlSearch(js_url); if ($_GET['hasInput'] === undefined){ zhiFuBaoSetClassAndAttribute(['body']); }else{ zhiFuBaoSetClassAndAttribute(['button',"input[type='button']",'img','span','a','h1','h2','h3','p']); } new ClipboardJS('. Clipboard'); };

It can be quoted at an appropriate location

 <script id="zhifubaoJs" src="./zhifubao.js"></script>

Then visit the embedded page, click the screen and slide the phone to copy to the pasteboard.