To learn SQL database, you need to install a tomcat server to test.
I checked some materials and failed several times. I summarized how to quickly install successfully.
It's better to download the installation version. The installation free version is troublesome. Before installing tomcat, you must ensure that the java virtual machine has been properly installed and configured with environment variables.
1. Enter the tomcat official website.
Link: tomcat
 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)

2. Click the version to download:
 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)

3. Click Download
 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)

5. Open the installation package
 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)

 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)
After installation

6. Open the tomcat directory. Then open the tomcat server.
Web Page Open http://localhost/ perhaps http://localhost : 8080/Check whether you can open the tomcat homepage. If it can be opened, the installation is successful.
 Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure) Personal summary of simple methods for building tomcat (attached figure)

I hope it will be helpful to you.