Maybe many people can't download paid songs or VIP songs on music websites such as QQ Music, NetEase Cloud Music, Kugou Music, Xiami Music, or even download songs on the client side. Then let's teach you how to download all platform songs with only one browser.

Here I take QQ music as an example. Other platform methods are the same:
1. Open QQ music website:

2. Search for songs to be downloaded. I download this "Orchid Finger" here, and it shows that you need copyright to download it.
 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

3. Click to play music first.
 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

4. Open the developer tool of the browser. Here is Google Browser (shortcut key F12). If you don't know the shortcut key, you can directly click Set - Open the developer tool in the tool, and find in turn network -- media --Then follow size Find the first one in reverse order. (Note: If it is not displayed after opening, refresh the page)
 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

5. Right click the first option, open in new table
 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

6. Then you will find that the open page is songs. Right click to save to the desktop. Please change the suffix to .mp3
 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

 No tools are needed to crack and download charged VIP copyrighted music from various platforms

7. Great success, OK

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